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I barely managed to get through the day without vomiting. Every move sent a fresh wave of nausea. I managed to deal until late at night when I was just getting into bed. I moved slightly to get more comfortable and instantly clamped my hands over my mouth. I ran straight to the bathroom.

"Food poisoning indeed." Steve said, holding my hair back.

"Just a bug or something."

"Yeah, except you don't get bugs. Natasha... what if..." His hand dropped to my stomach.

I froze. I couldn't... "What date is it?"

"10th of January."

"Oh god... oh god.... no...."

"How many days?"

"This isn't even days... I haven't had a period for nearly three months."

"Oh... that's not good...."

"No shit Sherlock... I need to go get a test." I stood but was almost immediately back beside the toilet, throwing my guts up.

"I can go." He stood and left the small bathroom. I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes, praying to any and all gods. If I was, there was only one option. Keeping it would only put us and it in danger.

Steve came back after around ten minutes. I grabbed the bag off him and pushed him out.

"Well?" He asked after five minutes. I took a deep breath and summoned up the courage to open my eyes and look. When I saw the result I couldn't help but scream and start crying. I backed up against the wall and sank to the floor.

This couldn't be happening. I felt like fate was deliberately taunting me. I had already lost three children, and now it was forcing me to do it deliberately.

"Natasha? It's positive isn't it?" Steve said.

I didn't answer but my silence said everything.

He pushed open the door and walked in. He knelt down beside me and held me tightly.

"We have to get rid of it." I said, struggling to keep my voice level.

"I know." He said after a minute.

I couldn't help the disappointment that welled up. Some stupid, selfish part of me had been hoping for a different response. For no reason other than to ease my guilty conscience.

"Is it legal?"

"I think so. Up to 12 weeks."

"Are you under that?"

"Um... yeah. I should be..."

I closed my eyes and more tears squeezed out.

"It'll be okay." He said softly, kissing my forehead. I nodded and tried to have some faith in his words.

"I need to get out of here...." I unsteadily pushed myself up and quickly threw on clothes. I ran out. I found myself walking down a dark, lonely alleyway.

"We've been watching you." I heard a cold voice say.

"Really? I'm flattered."

"Haha. Very funny. You killed my brother."

"Brother? And who was he?"

"Peter Trent. You killed him."

"Trent? I remember him. I enjoyed watching the life slowly drain from his eyes, watch the blood seep from the wound I created-" I heard a roar and ducked. A man was sent sprawling onto his face.

Blind ChaseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ