Chapter 2

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Before the noisy phone alarm could get any louder, a hand reached over to  turn it off. The pink hair male quickly grabbed the other male's phone and Silenced it.

He cursed under his breath, annoyed at the damn alarm for intruding on his lustrous view.

The ladder was enjoying the peaceful silence while he gazed fondly at the Greek god-like man that layed in his bed.

But alas he guessed that it was a good thing that the alarm went off, otherwise he would have stayed there watching him (although he wouldn't have minded) the whole time while his lover's breakfast went cold.

He put the plate that consists of buchimgae and beikeon to the side and gently leaned over the other ones body.

"M/n.. I made you breakfast, it's you're favourite," he said barely in a whisper.

To his surprise the said males eyes instantly fluttered awake, abruptly getting up in a rush.

Surprising him at his sudden action.

"M/n are you okay?!"

"Omg I'm so sorry, DG, I was actually going to make you breakfast before I left but I guess it didn't work out since you woke up before me huh?" he said in a low and rather rough voice.

DG felt chills run through his body at the sound of M/n morning voice, but he tried his best to push down those sinful thoughts.

Because M/n was no longer laying in bed but Standing he took the liberty of deciding to get changed then and there.

I'll just quickly go back home to have a shower

M/n thought.

But DG couldn't help but blush like a teenage girl.

If he could see his reaction right now he'd think he's a pathetic moron.

Yet he couldn't help it, his lover's body was perfect. His vibe and personality was just as perfect as well.

Not to mention his *cough* bedroom skills was indeed.. exceptional.

He was just too good to be true.

Jeezz I feel like a perv.

DG thought as he made himself look away and stop  drooling over the 'oblivious'  but alluring M/n.

"Are you gonna join me at the photo shoot later?" DG asked.

"Um no I'm going to head back to school today since I've been absent for a while now ," M/n muttered.

Once fully dressed he layed back down on the bed and ate his breakfast.

although DG was happy that he was eating he did however felt irked at M/n's reply.

"What? Do you need the company to call your school for an extra extension or something?" DG said, trying his best not to sound too desperate.

M/n wore a slight smirk on his face. Which he made sure the pink hair male didn't notice.

"No no no it's not that or anything, I just need to go back for a while, that's all.. also this is delicious darling" M/n said with a smile. Completely devouring his meal.

DG looked away with his red tinted, crimson face. He was a flustered mess.

Dammit M/n.. you're already making me want to go for a round 3.

DG quickly composed himself and started to understand the meaning behind M/n's request.

"I thought you were the top of all your classes? Why do you need to go back?" DG said with a frown.

M/n sighed internally but still managed to keep up his charming act.

"Just to catch up with a couple of my teachers and all, it's been so long since I've been back, I hope none of my classmates forgot about me hah," M/n replied with a feigned laugh. But of course to DG, it sounded genuine.

DG unenthusiastically nodded slowly, still showing clear distain towards the idea on his face.

M/n laughed and leaned over to kiss the side of his neck.

"Don't worry it'll only be a couple of weeks. Besides *I'll make it worth your while every time I visit*" M/n whispered, watching his face intently and seeing how flustered he turned.

"(Cough) F-fine," DG murmured. Trying to keep his cool.

M/n smiled at him and kissed him one more time. He thanked DG for his meal and then exited the young idols mansion.

Once he got in his car, M/n's mood instantly changed.

His face was no longer carrying that warm smile that was plastered on his face the entirety of his stay with DG. His gaze didn't shine brightly nor lively anymore. It was empty.

His aura was no longer energetic or welcoming.

He was just indifferent.

The car started as he exited the property of his lover.

A strange but dark grin emerged on his face out of nowhere.

"That slut is pretty insistent isn't he?"

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