Chapter 01

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Harry woke up, he found himself in the dark. He couldn't see anything, there was a bad smell in the corner. His head hurt a lot, he briefly wondered if he had passed out drunk but remembered that he quit drinking after the fourth time he got drunk and rode a dragon.

"Get up!" An annoying voice shouted as he had heard loud knocking coming from his right "NOW!"

Harry's jaw had dropped, it had worked! It had actually worked! Crystal was right! He had actually managed to go back in time!

Harry may have currently been in his ten year old body, but he was actually twenty one, in a way. Harry had lived a long and painful life, being a pawn to Dumbledore's stupid plans. He had defeated Voldemort after years of pain and judgment from others, only to be forced into a marriage contract with Ginny Weasley that Dumbledore had tricked him into signing.

Though Harry wasn't mad at Ginny, she was also forced into the contract. It's true that the two dated briefly in his sixth year but they both agreed it wouldn't work and separated. Despite being married the two agreed that they would be allowed to see other people.

It was shortly after this that Harry discovered his true love, a girl named Crystal Peters. She was a Hufflepuff in Harry's year, but he never interacted with her in school. She made Harry happy, happier than anyone had ever made him.

She had a fun personality, and like Harry she didn't really care for the rules or for adults. She taught Harry to let go, to have fun and embrace his true self. The self that really didn't give a damn for what other people thought of him, the self that allowed him to feel free. With her, he wasn't the boy-who-lived, he was Harry. Just Harry, crazy Harry who wanted nothing more than to have fun.

Shortly after meeting each other, the two had discovered a ritual that would be able to send Harry back in time. And seeing as the present was currently just a bunch of purebloods ruining the government and good people suffering, Harry didn't really mind going back and changing it. Sadly the ritual would only let one person go back, so Crystal couldn't go, but this time around Harry would make sure he and Crystal had more time together.

The last time Crystal was kept away from Harry by Dumbledore, the important thing you had to know about Crystal as that she was a Siren thanks to her grand mum, who was also a Siren. Sirens were a lot different from what people thought they were, true she had a brilliant voice and could grow wings but she never tried to harm Harry.

An important thing that people forgot to tell you was that despite having an allure similar to that of a Veela, a Siren bonded to one person and one person only. Veela's were just like any normal person when it came to relationships but Sirens could only stick with one person.

Last time around Dumbledore had kept Crystal away from Harry after the two had briefly touched each other by accident when they passed each other in Harry's sixth year, Crystal had realised that the bond was formed and went to the teachers for advice.

Dumbledore found out and kept Crystal away from Harry, not really caring that it was affecting her health by staying away from him. Her life span was cut down immediately and she became sickly and would likely have died because of that. Only meeting Harry after school had finished had allowed her time to recover long enough to help him. Crystal died two months before Harry had left, Harry lived two months of sorrow and pain until Ginny came to him and reminded him that he promised her he'd enjoy life.

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