Chapter 2

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The walk home home was almost uneventful until


I freeze in my tracks a memory comes back to me from the noise, cold steel, flashing lights then gone in an instant. "W-what was.." I look up a villain attack "Oh I thought..." I sigh "Whatever" Villain attacks aren't all that uncommon. "Well I'm bored might as well see what's going on." I approach the scene, climbing a nearby blossom tree for a height advantage over the crowd forming.


I get a good look at what's happening a giant villain is on the railway "But man, turning into a monster's an amazing quirk" I overhear someone say. I focus my hearing on them to get more info on what happened. "What did he do" Guy 2 asks. "He stole someone's bag and went out of control when he was cornered" Guy 1 responds. "All this for a bag huh." I mutter I then spot familiar green hair. "Is that?" Izuku Midoriya he's in the same class as me, incredibly smart, quirkless. I see him quickly make his way through the crowd and disappear. Suddenly I see someone dart through the crowd it looks like, "Kamui woods" I remember pro hero, can manipulate his body into wood whether aggressive or defensive , famous, respected, looks like a hero plays the part well. I see him jump up to confront the villain, landing with grace, he quickly dodges the villains attempt at grabbing him using a nearby pole. He quickly dashes back towards dodging another attempt from the villain, jumping up he runs along his arm. Kamui throws a wood tendril at the villain. The villain reaches his other arm up the block the attack, but instead kamui grabs the villains arm using it to swing away. I see kamui preparing a move when all of a sudden.


A hero I've never seen before, she's just as big as the villain, come's flying out of nowhere kicking the villain taking him out instantly. "Wow" I think. "Unexpected". I take my phone out 7:15 I'll be late if I don't hurry not bothering to see the rest. I jump out the tree landing with a soft thud as I turn around to leave, a conversation catches my ear. "Serves that monster right, the world has no place for villains." I quickly pace away. "What if I didn't get away" Thoughts fill my mind "Would that be me." "I would have been that monster." "But even him we don't know why he did it." "just like the world wouldn't know why I did it." I see my school coming up. "I just need to relax." "Relax" I repeat in my head. As I enter the building.

"You're all planning on becoming heroes, right" The commotion of the class jolts me awake from the semi-sleep state I was in. adjusting my blurring eyes I hear a loud voice. "Teach don't lump us all in the same group!" a voice that loud only belonging to my ears shift over to the source. Katsuki Bakugo, "Great what a nice voice to wake up to." I think "I'm not going stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!" He calls my tail twitches angrily behind me. I never liked Bakugo much angry, cocky, loud, annoying. I try to tune out whatever he's saying when suddenly "Nori" My name gets called "You wanted to go to U.A also." Snapping me out my thoughts, everyone is looking at me. I'm not used to being the center of attention, I freeze up. "Nori?" The teacher calls once again "Oh.. um yea I'm Probably going to apply to U.A" I half mumble. "Now thinking about it nori, no one's over seen your quirk what is it, if you think your good enough to get into U.A let's see it." I hear Bakugo ask. I feel everyone's eyes on me. "Umm.. my-". 


Saved by the bell funny "Ah well maybe next time." I say starting to pack my stuff into my bag, the class seemed to have lost interest with the sound of school being over. "Thank you world." As I'm finishing packing most of the class has left already except "We're not done talking yet, Deku." I hear Bakugo say "Katsuki what is it." Two classmates behind him speak. I glance over to Deku he looks afraid. I want to help him, "Its not your battle to fight." I think, I should just leave. As I'm about to get up, Another thought enters my mind to get out the class I need to move past them, which means alerting them that I'm still here I quickly give up the thought of leaving. I really don't want to interact with them much less Bakugo so I patiently wait, tail twitching with anxiety, half listening to what's being said. "So anyway." Bakugo continues, I must have missed part of the conversation. "Don't apply to U.A, nerd." He says with a condescending smile on his face I let out a small growl, shutting myself up, they thankfully didn't hear it. I see them start to walk out class. As they're leaving a last minute comment comes from Bakugo. "Believe you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a last chance dive off the roof!" I shoot up from my seat. "I'm still here y-" "Nori it's alright." I hear Midoriya say, I turn to him in understanding "You got something to say?" Bakugo looks to me a grin on his face like he's waited for this. "Horn head finally going to show us what he can do?" He mocks at me, light explosions coming from his hands. "Like I would give you the satisfaction of seeing anything I could do." I growl back "Tch, lets go." Bakugo dismisses, exiting the class room. "Hey you aright." I ask Midoriya. "Yeah I'm alright, been through worse." He responds "Hey don't tell anyone about this alright." He adds on. "Yeah I get it." I say scratching the back of my neck. "Hey I'm sorry I should have helped sooner." "I get it" Deku cuts-in "You don't do well in crowds." "Yeah." I respond, looking down I take my phone out. "Ah man I have to go." I look at Midoriya, not wanting him to be alone after that scene I blurt out, "Want to walk with me I think we take the same route back at the start. He looks at me surprised, and honestly I'm just as surprised at him. "Yeah." He beams "let me just get my stuff."

I wish I had known what getting involved with him would lead to looking back on it, I guess its kind of funny.

Wrote this at 3am-4am again I don't think I'll get any comments on this story but if somehow I do please let me know if this is hard to read or follow and I'll fix it other then that I feel like this chapter is an improvement as always point out typos also tell me if something doesn't make sense and I'll try to explain or fix.

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