Meeting him

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Being heartbroken is the worst kind of feeling you can ever feel. No matter who did it. Why do people trust each other so easily? Now i see how it feels to be broken from inside. Stressing over same thing, mental break down, flashbacks and lots of questions.

'What if he breaks your heart?'
'I trust him,he will never do that,' I said proudly.

What did I do? Was trusting him my mistake?

'Will you ever leave me?' I asked.
'No matter what happens I will never do that, trust me, he said.

LIER, I trusted you.

'Miko!! I shouted running towards her.
She didn't say anything and looked down.
'What happened, I said , still silence.

Didn't know you also were behind it. Didn't know my best friend would do this.

'WHAT DID I DO' I shouted,tears continuously flowing.
'Nothing ' this was his reply, no sad look in his face, not a single mark of regret.
" I trusted you, I whispered.
"That's your problem you trusted me blindly, he said. That's it I was wrong.
Was I not good enough?

( END)

Bokutos pov
'Hey hey hey akaashi; I shouted as my best friend was coming towards me.
'Is the news I heard about hinami true? I asked as he nods.
'Yeah that's my chance" I cheered.
'Bokuto you should wait, she must be very sad right now"he said.
" yeah" I said.

The news of mitsuya cheating on hinami was spread between some students. I am happy and also sad about that because she didn't deserve any of that. I like her, no I love her. You will think she doesn't even know me so why i know her. She saved my life when I was a kid. I was around 10.

'Akaashi look we are so high up ' I said looking down the tall tower.
"Bokuto don't go too close you will fall" he said but I moved forward.
I put my hands on the iron bar as it broke. The force pulled me with it down as I was going to fall.
'Bokuto' Akaashi shouted, I closed scared to look down but the impact of crashing to the ground never came. I opened my eyes to meet with beautiful pair of yellow eyes ( or your choice) she had pink short hair, she was like an angel who saved me, some people came to help her pull me up.
I panted as akaashi hugged me.
' I warned you please listen to me next time, he said as I nodded.
'Thank you, your name? I asked as she ran away shouting.
'Hinami, I smiled as she disappeared in the crowd. I will never forget it , I hope we meet again.
" END"
It was like love at first sight. I searched for her and got to know we go to same school. I never talked to her and when ever I go it feels like she must have forgotten me. Of course it was so long ago.

'Excuse me' I looked behind to see who was it, here was she looking dull. The one smiling face looks so sad now.
'Yes, I said.
'May I know in which club you are? She said with low voice which was once cheerful.
'Volleyball, I said as she wrote it on a paper.
'Your name?
'Bokuto kotaro, I said, will you remember my name.
'Thank You, she said and started walking away.
'W-wait, I blurted out as she looked back. ' Yes?
Oh shit what should I say.
'Ummm will come to our volleyball practice, I said why what will she even see in me?
'Sure if I get time, she said with a small but fake smile.

( your pov)
Why do I think I know him. I turned around frowning. That's the same way I mate him.

'Hey hinami right? He said as I nodded.
'Will you come to watch our basketball practice? He said as I smiled. ' Yes.

'Time- skip to the volleyball club cause the author is lazy as Hell'

I went inside the gym hearing squiks of shoes and hitting of ball. I am going to that bokuto boys volleyball practice cause why not. I mean I didn't had anything to do so I decided to watch. I sat on the seat in front as I can clearly see them. On the other side were some girls fangirling over the boys. The boy bokuto noticed me and waved with a smile.

'Bokuto's pov'
'She came, she actually came, I shouted in my mind.
'Akaashi look the goddess ha entered, I whispered in his ear as he nodded.
The match began as we took our positions. The whistle blows signalling us too start. Akaashi tossed to me as I jumped to spike but in excitement I missed and got the head shot instead as other team scored a point.
'Sorry, I said as they said it's fine.
I couldn't look at her out of embarrassment. The match started again as the other team served.

" time skip
It was our last point as akaashi tossed to me. I jumped as high as I could and hit the ball as it slammed down. We won.
'Hey Hey Hey, I shouted happily.
I looked at hinami as she smiled at my childish behaviour. My heart started pounding faster as we made eye contact but she turned her face to the other side.

( your pov)
The match was over. Bokuto shouted with joy as it made me smile, he looked at me as I looked the other way. I came down as he ran towards me with his friend.
'Hey thanks for coming, he said as I nodded.
'Umm, I looked at the boy beside him as he noticed.
'I am akaashi keji, sorry for my rudeness, he said bowing.
'No it's fine, I said as he smiled. I looked at the time and realized I was late it was past 9.
'Sorry I should get going, I said ready to go.
'Wait, you should not go alone at this time, bokuto said.' May I come with you to drop you home, I nodded as he quicklyran and changed into his uniform.

They both came as we stepped out of the gym. The walk was silent. I reached in front of my house.
'Thank you for dropping me, I said.
'No it's fine, do you live here? He asked. Such a stupid question.
'Well duh,I said.
'Oh we are neighbours, said pointing at his house which was a few blocks away.
'That's good, I said and waved.

(Trust) Bokuto x reader ( Completed) Where stories live. Discover now