Here You Go Read Below

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  Hey guys, so today I was walking down the street when out there corner of my eye I saw this pretty little thing approaching me haha wait that's a song. So I was walking down this street and I came to the crosswalk. I looked left, and then I looked right, hoping the cars would do the same.
   Luckily they did, but they didn't look straight, because they were too busy looking left, and then looking right... now I'm dead. or not yet. But I will be in a few hours when the driver buries me with something that isn't a shovel.
  Banana in hand (he got a little peckish), he dug and dug for hours. I thought he'd reach China! Every once in a while he would take off his maroon cap to wipe the beading sweat off his head. With the banana of course. With a heaving grunt he pushed me into the hole. (That's what she said.) I'm a ghost now guys.
  So, I started my ghost life out hoping I would never see that Godforsaken banana man ever again. So I looked left, and then I looked right, hoping the other ghosts would do the same. Fortunately they did. And that's that.
  Life is a highway is a good song. So when I heard that coming from the highway, I followed it. Because I'm kinda stupid and like to self sabotage. You'd never guess who it was! It was banana man!!!! He was singing all cheerful like he didn't just bury a man alive!! Life is a highwayyyyyyyy I wanna ride it alllll night longgggg ba dum ba dum ba dum
  Somehow, I failed to notice this before, but there on the top of his car were two very large propellers. Once the bananaman successfully crossed Mozambique to Memphis, his car took off into the air!!

Mr. BananamanWhere stories live. Discover now