The Scientist

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Name:Heinrich Wolf

Age:around His 40-50s

Occupation:he is a Scientist who works alongside Moeru and Shin



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Personality:He Is Calculating and Sarcastic Person

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Personality:He Is Calculating and Sarcastic Person. He is Generally rude to his Colleagues even though they all could kill instantly. The problem is that they can't. But he has his moments of Caring and Fear.

Backstory:Heinrich's Backstory isn't that Interesting. He Grew up in a Rich German Household with Loving Parents. The problem was that he was a peculiar Kid. He would Dissect animals in the woods to see what made them work, put his own siblings through Tiring Experiments just to see how much the human body could take. Soon enough he took things to far and he was sent to Prison. He was Barely there for a year before he already had all the prisoners in the palm of his hand. He made them charge the guards while he escaped at the Age of 16. After that he slowly over the years Helped Gangs in Germany manufacture guns and all kinds of things that go boom while also creating Formulas to enhance the body. 20 years go by and he was running the underground Weapons and Drugs ring. One day he was visited by a shadowy figure who only went by "The Recruiter", who gave him a deal he couldn't refuse. Now he Controls Germany and parts of Europe still Persuing his endless Thirst for science.

Powers/skills:The Recruiter gave him the ability to alter a person's whole biology with a touch. Though for stronger people he needs equipment. He also always keeps with him Gadgets and Traps just in case. He also has over 25 Years training in Taekwondo and Muy thai. Martial arts that Focus alot on Kicks since he prefers not to hurt his hands. He also Dabbles in biological reconstruction Serums that Increases all his Physical attributes by tenfolds

Likes:Science, staying in his lab, Watching the News, Reading books, and Taking Nice walks through a forest.

Dislikes:Dumb people, heavy Drinkers, Shin[not alot they just bump heads quite a bit], Americans, and bananas

That's three now

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