Broken King

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Name:Ambrose Frederickson


Occupation:Wanderer/Former King


Personality:Ambrose is a Kind and Caring man

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Personality:Ambrose is a Kind and Caring man. He always puts people first before him and would Sacrifice his life for his Kingdom, well he would if he was still the King. He Believes Everyone deserves a Second Chance unless they have done something truly Henious.

Magic:he can summon a Great sword which only he can Wield. He has Dubbed it "Conflict Resolver" he also has immense strengh

[Uh, I guess slight warning that there is mention of Some non Consensual shit]Backstory:Ambrose was Born a Member of a Corrupt Royal Family who tought themselves that only they mattered and The others of the kingdom were slaves

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

[Uh, I guess slight warning that there is mention of Some non Consensual shit]
Backstory:Ambrose was Born a Member of a Corrupt Royal Family who tought themselves that only they mattered and The others of the kingdom were slaves. But he was different and loved all of the Citizens and would help them whenever he could. When it was his time for the Crown he Changed many things and made the Kingdom better and Even found a woman he could make his queen. But Years later and the Kingdom slowly turned on him and it was found out his Younger Brother Wished to Rule and thought he was a better fit. He Forcfully took the Kingdom and Ambrose's wife and made Ambrose watch as he And his army...ran through her. They then threw the Chained up and Broken Ambrose into a River were he was found by a old couple and nursed him to health. He now resides in a Village somewhere far from the Kingdom, still haunted by what happened.

Likes:Alcohol, things that will make him forget about that day, Cleaning his weapon, helping people, and the couple that saved him.

Dislikes:himself for being so weak, his family, remembering that day, his Brother, and people from his past

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