The Sorting Hat

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Across the wide lake we glided in small self-propelled boats. I was stuck with the Weasley boys and Nico, so I didn't mind the ride as I talked with my friends. Upon reaching the castle, we were led to an antechamber where an old woman with tightly bound grey hair stood awaiting our arrival. The woman introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, then she started talking. I didn't pay attention to the woman as I watched a ghost floating around in the corner of the room mocking the professor's actions. As McGonagall finished speaking, the ghost smiled.

"I will return for you in a few moments," McGonagall said turning to leave the room. Just as she opened the door, a cauldron appeared above it, and once the door was open, the cauldron dumped mud onto the teacher's clean, forrest green robes. "PEEVES!"

The ghost, who I assumed was Peeves, floated in front of McGonagall and cackled hysterically. "Gonney Gall's all wet," he chanted.

"Professor Dumbledore will hear about this Peeves," McGonagall said, then left the room.

Once McGonagall was gone, Fred felt it his duty to introduce himself to the pranking ghost, "Ello, mate. I'm Fred Weasley, and this is my brother George. That was bloody briliant what you did to her."

"Why thank you," Peeves replied bowing to Fred. "It was Charie's idea though. We planned it before he left for summer."

George piped in, "Charlie? As in Charlie Weasley?"

"Right you are, George. Charlie and me's been pranking the school since he started here his first year six years ago."

Fred got a thoughtful expression, "We'll just have to out do our brother then, George. What sort of pranks have the two of you been doing?"

"Just stealing clothes and rearranging classrooms. Oh, and decorating the Great Hall with streemers that burst into flames when the teachers tried to take them down. That one was the best."

George smiled, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Fred?"

"I believe we've got the same idea there, George."

I sighed, afraid of what they might do. I would have asked them their plans except, McGonagall returned, and lead us to a very large room known as the Great Hall. The Great Hall was wicked with its high vaulted ceiling that mimicked the night sky, and the four long tables sitting parallel to one another stuffed with students. At the front of the room, there was another long table raised up from the rest of the room so that the teachers could keep an eye on the multitude of students. Those of us in our first year were all in a line between the two center most tables. McGonagall stepped up to a stool standing in front of the long table; upon the stool sat an old and dingy hat.

"When I call your name, step up here, and I will place the hat upon your head. Wait for its answer for it will tell you what house you are in," McGonagall announced and began calling off names.

There were a few Ravenclaws and a Hufflepuff before Nico was called. Nico was placed in Slytherine, unfortunately, then a long list of others were called before I heard, "McCoy, Jessica."

Nervously, I stepped foreword. "A great deal of strength, I see," the hat whispered startling me. "Bravery too. Yes, yes, I know where you'll do best," then the hat grew louder, "Gryffindor!"

One of the long tables erupted into applause which lead me to where I was supposed to go. I didn't really pay any attention to anyone else's sorting, but I heard that Lindsay was placed in Slytherine, and of course I watched as first Fred and then George were both sorted into Gryffindor with me.

When the sorting hat was placed on Fred's head, it acted as if shocked, "Another Weasley, can't I ever get a break from your family?"

Fred simply answered, "Nope."

Then the hat called out, "Gryffindor!"

Our table cheered, and George stepped up to the hat before McGonagall could call his name. She shook her head, and placed the hat upon George's head.

"There's two of you this year!?" the hat complained.

"Yep," George replied.


Again our table burst into cheers.

Once everyone was sorted, a man with a long white beard and half moon spectacles stood and made a few announcemnts which I ignored as my stomach kept grumbling. "How long is this man going to talk?" I asked myself. After what seemed like forever, the man who said his name was Professor Dumbledore clapped his hands together and yelled, "Let the feast begin."

A feast was an understatement for what appeared on the tables. There was roast beef and fried chicken and turkey and salmon and every other food that could be imagined. I heaped my plate full, and began to gorge myself. After a while, I noticed Fred, George, and Lee slip into seats near me.

"Save your appetite for dessert, Jessie," Fred said smiling.

"I hear there's so many different desserts to chose from every night," George added.

I growled at Fred, "Don't call me Jessie."

He feigned fear, "Okay, okay."

Although I didn't want to, I heeded their advice, and was glad I did, for not long after they told me to save my appetite, the dinner foods disappeared, and the tables became laden with desserts. Apple pie, lemon tarts, chocolate chip cookies, and best of all Reces Cup Ice Cream Sundays. I couldn't imagine where the food came from, nor did I care as I gorged myself on the many delectable sweets. I was so full at the end of the feast that I fell asleep at the table, and later, when I awoke in the morning, Fred and George told me that they had their brother Charlie carry me up to the Gryffindor common room.

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