You stood by Mason, while Jazz stood by you, Debbie and Lewis on the other side. Chelsea's photographers took the photos and Mason soon passed the trophy to one of the boys who also wanted to take pictures.

A few more hours' drive and we're back home. Mason spoke as he leaned back on the plate, his face reaching the height of his belly.

You exchanged a look with Debbie, and he just smiled in response. Pulling your breath lightly, you gathered your courage.

━ Before we leave for the hotel, I wanted to give you a present, love. Since we're not going to see each other until now in London. You spoke quickly, drawing Mason's attention to you.

━ What? He asked confused, seeing you take out a medium white box with a blue bow on top of your purse. Your body getting back erect, the box in your hand.

I hope you like it. You wished by biting your lips with nervousness.

I love everything that comes from you, beautiful. Secured your boyfriend.

You held your breath when you saw him undoing the noose, with the corner of your eyes you saw Debbie recording the moment with your phone. Mason opened the box slowly, the lid falling from his hand when he ascertained what was inside. Jazz's panting was audible when she also observed what was inside.

Mason with trembling hands took a pair of little shoes from the white box, the words 'daddy' engraved on top of them.

━ Is this serious? Mason's bright eyes found his, his nodding was the answer he got. Fuck. Am I going to be a father? Let's be parents? No kidding? Mason's voice failed at the end of the question, his high-pitched speech attracting the attention of some boys and other people.

Almost eight weeks, I found out two days ago. You replied tearfully.

━ Fuck, I'm going to be a dad! Tonight just gets more unforgettable. I love you, I love you so much, you have no idea how much I love you! You laughed when he pulled you into his arms. We're going to be a fucking father. Let's have a baby, Mount. Holy shit.

It's a double victory, baby.

━ When we're home, we'll celebrate the best way we know how. With you naked in our bed and me sinking into you. Your malicious whisper made the little hairs on the back of your neck tingle.

Don't forget we're still here, you bastards. You blushed strongly at Lewis' talk, your hidden face, while Mason just laughed.

It was really a double victory for the small family that began to graduate.

It was really a double victory for the small family that began to graduate

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Não era sua primeira final em uma competição onde você apoiava Mason, você esteve presente em todas nas quais ele disputou, nas vitórias e nas perdas. Você sempre fazia questão de marcar presença quando Mason tinha um jogo tão importante como esse.

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