Chapter 1: New Kid

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Chapter 1

            The sun’s warmth melted through the glass and pressed against my skin. I gathered my biography notebook and moved to the shady corner on the other side of the library. I didn’t need any more freckles; you can barely tell what my natural skin tone is!           

            I laid the notebook along with my blue pen (with a red feather on top) beside it. I stumbled in the red armchair and picked up the notebook. I hesitantly opened it.

         ‘My Young Life: The Death Of My Parents’ I read and sucked in my breath. I haven’t read any of this biography: ever. This long-term project I was working on since I was 8. It just brought back so many memories that it saddened my heart until I cried.

       I read the first line (hesitantly).

Ever since I was 8 I never thought I could stand alone, now I’m 14 and I’m still hobbling.’

         I felt my heart lurch and drop down. Why was I reading this? I found myself now reading the long paragraph ahead of me.

       ‘When I was 6 I thought that happily evers weren’t impossible. I thought I’d be together with my parents forever. Even though I was far off on that thought, I wanted to believe that reality wouldn’t catch up to me.

         ‘Reality is that awful thing that crashes any fairy tale — hence my life. When I was 8, the death of my parents seemed to cut out my heart, tear it to shreds and fed to the devil. The most excruciating thing I’ll ever feel. Not even love will over power it.’

         I put it down and felt my cheeks moist and hot. Tears trickled down slowly, torturing my very existence. I pressed my face against my black leggings. I couldn’t let anyone see myself crying. I want to remain unknown. I don’t want to be known as ‘The-emo-girl-who-cries-in-the-corner-of-the-library’. That’s the last thing I need it a label.

            “Hey, Wren.” Macy (my best friend) greeted. I looked up like a hopeless damsel before taking the back of my hand and wiping the tears away. It wasn’t the first time Macy found me crying alone. She wrapped her arms around me as if I were her daughter. Sometimes I feel like she’s my mother…. “Aw babe!” (Correction, rarely) “Why don’t you stop — “

            I shoved her away and released from her death hug. “No!” I shouted and grabbed the notebook. “This is my life in here! I’ll never cease writing about my life!” — I brushed past angrily. “I gotta get to Wright’s class.”

            “Your actually go to class!” Macy gawked and stood behind. I ignored and continued walking. She should know that Wright doesn’t even teach me anything.

            I never go to classes because; A) I’m super smart. I could be in grade 11 if I wanted to. (That’s a bump up by 2 grades) B) I’m working on the bio of my life. That I will hope get published one day. C) Classes are just boring and irritating.

            I opened the door to the courtyard and walked across. It beats walking around the cafeteria and Thompson’s class. (That guy is a nutcase!). I opened the door to the blank corridors and stepped in. I looked at the clock hanging above Garsons’s room. 10:20. I have to meet Larissa at the café in 8.

             I stepped in front of my tacky blue locker. When was the last time I opened this baby? 123. I thought and ended on 31.

             I took out my bag and my history textbook. I slammed it shut and rested my forehead on the cold metal. I groaned and collapsed against the floor.

            “I don’t want go to the café.” I muttered and rested my head on my bag. I closed my eyes and groaned again.

             “Then don’t.” Said a voice. I shot up almost banging my head against the locker and turned around. Seth. Seth Jones. “Pocky?” — I looked down at the long cookie stick covered in chocolate cream. I nodded and took 3 greedily. “H…hey, that’s my lunch!”

            “Here, no need to payback.” I said and handed him ten bucks. “Buuut, I will take the whole bag.”

             Seth sighed and handed me the box of Pockys. My mouthed began to water again. I pulled one out and munched on it like it was the last thing I’ll ever eat. Seth handed me the ten bucks back. “Keep it.” — I handed it back.

            “It was only $1.59, plus tax.” Seth whined and stuffed the cash in my sweater. “Stay.”

            “Weird, most would like more money than less. You’re messed.” I teased and finished the last pocky.

            “Oh, you’re on!”

             He lifted me up making me half scream, half giggle. I saw the crushed box of empty pockys. My heart broke. I was desperately hungry. Suddenly Garsons stepped out of his class and order Seth to put me down. He did so.

            “Get to class!!!” Garsons pointed at Seth then glared at me. Seth ran down the halls all the way to, Mrs. Halls, room. “Miss. Waters, What are you doing here?”

            “I came to get my bag. I just met Seth as I turned around.”

            “Don’t forget to hand in your French homework tomorrow. Here are the papers.” — he handed me 3 green sheets of boring words. I smiled and thanked him. Even though I rather burn the stupid papers. “Goodbye Miss. Waters.”

             I waved at him then turned around. I swear he’s mental or something.

             “Good bye Miss. Waters!” Seth mocked behind my back. I jumped and looked over my shoulder.

                        I started to walk down the halls and totally ignore Seth. But before I could even walk past 6 lockers I felt him push me against I locker. My blood ran cold. My veins burst as my heart began to pound irregular. His golden blond hair caught the sun and his pale green eyes seemed to get darker by the second. His lips were now lingering over mine. I was frightened. I had no idea what to do. Suddenly the bell rang and students emerged from their classes.

            Seth pulled away and grabbed his forgotten book bag. He muttered a goodbye and lamely waved at me. He ran off to whore, Lilas Murphy, the head cheerleader.

            I grabbed my bag and ran off. Was he going to kiss me, or what? Harass me? No that’s too low for Seth; he’d never do that…would he? No, he couldn’t have because his dating Lilas —— he’d never backstab his girlfriend. Especially since we’re talking about me, Wynter Waters.

            I ran down the hall and escaped to the music room. I needed to think and the music room is the place to be. Then I heard a melodic tune by Beethoven playing on the piano. I knew exactly who was there. Tessa McKinnon. My best friend in the whole world, I met her at birth.

            I took a step on the gray carpet and placed a hand on the white walls. I peeked over and saw…no one.

            Oh shit…a ghost! I thought nervously and took a hesitant step forward. I saw some one sitting on a chair bent over a synchronizer. I sat down on the risers and listened attentively.

After listening in silence for two minutes, my history textbook suddenly fell out of my book bag and landed with a huge thud. And there flew away my inconspicuously.

Instantly they stopped playing and I jumped behind the riser quickly bashing my knee against the metal, hard. I hid silently clutching my sweater.

“Whose there?” They demanded. Suddenly I realized that it was…the new kid.

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