And a lot of glances were showered through her way. She sighed, 'when will I get peace?'

"Don't listen to them, what an asshole!" Aeri said through gritted teeth

"You're the talk of the town nowadays," Ningning appeared out of nowhere

"Now I know what it feels to want to crawl into a hole." Jimin replied with a sigh

They were near the school gate when they heard Kai, Yuna and Ryujin's loud voices.

"Donations! Donations, please!" Kai's voice is leading them

"100 won would be fine!" Yuna yelled

"What the fuck are these idiots doing?" Ningning scratched her head out of embarassment

Jimin ran her way towards the three, jaw dropping either because of shame or gratefulness.

"We are doing a fund raising campaign of love for Yu Jimin of class F who lost her home yesterday," Ryujin stated using a microphone, making sure everyone hears it.

"How do they not get embarass of this?" Aeri facepalmed

"That's not included in their vocabulary," Ningning laughed

"We're all her fellow students here, so, please donate." She added with feelings

Students either give donations or ignore them but the latter mostly happens.

"Don't you want to help Jimin who was struck by a meteorite?" Kai tried to sound convincing but because of his gangster looks everyone's been avoiding him

"He's fucking stupid." Ningning shakes her head in disappointment

Jimin trudged her way infront of Kai, and with a strained look on her face she stopped him.

"Stop it, Kai!"

Instead of listening he went hysterical, "Here she is, our poor Yu Jimin! After experiencing such tragedy yesterday here she comes to school with a bright smile on her face. She's so cute today, as usual. I think I'm gonna cry."

Kai sat down with his microphone and acted like he was about to cry.

Jimin snatched the microphone out of his hand. "Stop it Kai, you idiot!"

"What are you saying? I'm doing this for you!"

"I don't want to be gossiped about anymore than I already am!" Jimin replied

"Why am I surrounded by idiots?" muttered Aeri

Ningning scoffed, "That's because you're an idiot yourself."

They stopped bickering when they saw a familiar figure walking past them.

"You're in my way." said Minjeong. Her tone sounded like she wanted to complain.

"M-Minjeong!" She stuttered

"Hey, Minjeong, watch how you talk to her!" Kai towered over the girl

Minjeong glanced at him with a bored look. Yuna and Ryujin hid behind a bush. They fear her, not because of her looks but because of her intelligence.

"Jimin's in a lot of pain right now, and whose fault is that?" Kai sounded like he's trying to blame her

Jimin exchanged glances from the two of them.

"It was the Lyrid meteor shower's fault." Minjeong replied boredly

"That's a different story." Kai snickered

"It's because you rejected her in such a horrible way!" He corrected

"That's pretty aggressive," Ningning was getting entertained by the scene upfront

"That was the start of all kinds of calamities for her." Kai pointed his fingers at Jimin who still remains silent

"I hope you're aware that you're not making any sense right now." murmured Minjeong

"Just admit that it's your fault!" Kai glared at her

Minjeong doesn't seem fazed by his actions, instead she smirked.

"I must be so amazing to cause this catastrophe, huh?"

Her attention went to her bag as she shuffled something inside of it. Looking for a certain object.

She took out a wallet and started counting money on it.

She stretched her hand to put it inside the donation box but instead it went directly on Jimin's face.

"That's 500,000 won, will that be enough?" Minjeong smirked at how Jimin's eyes widened

"Who the hell carries that much of a money in their bag?" Yuna whispered to Ryujin

Ryujin shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't make fun of me!" Jimin gripped her wrist causing all the money to fall on the ground

Yuna and Ryujin was quick enough to chase after it though.

"To think I had feelings for a person like you for two whole years. What a waste!" Her breathings became unsteady, she couldn't breathe because of Minjeong's piercing eyes.

Minjeong looked away as she put her wallet back in her bag. She sighed. Hands going in the side of her skirt's pockets.

"I'd rather die than accept your charity!" Jimin whole-heartedly shouts

Minjeong's brow raised in amusement, "Are you sure you should be saying things like that?"

"Of course I do! I mean, the way you act do you even have friends? Look at me, I have so many friends who came to help me when I'm in trouble like Kai, Ningning, Aeri, Ryujin and Yuna." She snapped

Kai proudly patted her shoulder, "Nice one, Jimin."

"So I don't have any reason whatsoever to want your support." She said eyes locking on her crush

Minjeong grinned at her statement as she walked off. Obviously amused on how she stood up on her.

It was late when Jimin realized what she had said. Her mind went blank as she stare into space.

Yuna and Ryujin approached Minjeong and gave back the money she was supposed to donate to Jimin.

"Here's your money."

The pokerface she's wearing went back and just like that she walked away from them.

Jimin looked back, not feeling satisfied about the things she said.

"Just because I'm in Class F..." She started, she put the microphone on her mouth as she continues, "Just because I'm stupid! Don't you make fun of me!"

Students started gossiping around them.

"You'll be even more famous after that one." Aeri laughed

Ningning wrapped her arms around Jimin's shoulders, "No one would dare to confront that girl except you, Jimin." She proudly mumbled

"Oh no." Jimin held her head, everything is sinking now and it's too late to regret what she's done.

"What should I do? I didn't mean to do that!"

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