31 • Goodbyes

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I woke again much later into the afternoon. That being said, I only really did because someone knocked on the door to Sidon's room.
"Come in," Sidon called. I had no intention of moving- seeing as I was still half asleep, and simply remained wrapped around him, half pretending I was still asleep.
"Ah Muzu, how are you?" Sidon said happily when I assume Muzu walked in.
"I could ask you the same thing, your highness," Muzu answered, though there was a slight tension in his voice.
Sidon chuckled a little. "I'm quite alright. Feeling better by the second. Is there a reason you stopped by?" He asked, his hand moving to rest on my shoulder.
Muzu sighed a little. "King Dorephan wished to know how you and master Link were doing. He is quite concerned for the both of you, especially after speaking to master Link yesterday," he clipped, clearly not wishing to be in the middle of familiar business. Seeing as Dorephan couldn't fit through the door to Sidon's room, Muzu must have to. Though, the idea of Dorephan trying to squeeze through the door was a little humourous.
I felt Sidon tense a little. "Why? What was the conversation about?" He asked, his worry leaching into his voice.
I gave Sidon a sleepy squeeze, and almost dozed off again before Muzu answered. "Besides the fact that master Link looked ready to collapse upon arrival, he was very torn up about what happened. King Dorephan is worried that master Link thinks he is angry with him, or the like. He cares for the hylian, that much is obvious," he answered, though the last bit was said with a little disdain.
Sidon sighed. "I see. Thank you, Muzu. I'll be sure Link knows there is no ill will."
I honestly don't know how there is no ill will. I've brought Sidon into my life- my dangerously destined life- and I've expected no ill to come of it. The worst I thought would happen was me leaving him alone and heartbroken, but now he's gotten hurt. He's hurt because of me.
"I'm sure King Dorephan will appreciate that. I will take my leave now," Muzu said, and I heard Sidon mumble some reply before the door opened and closed again.
"I know you're awake, you dirty eavesdrop," Sidon chuckled as he shook my shoulder a little.
I sat back enough to blink blearily up at him. "Just barely. Didn't mean to eavesdrop," I mumbled. This earned me another chuckle from Sidon.
"I don't know what you did to make my father like you so much, but the old zora is very worried about you. Poor Muzu," he said with a sigh, though there was a smile on his face.
I sat up now, rubbing at my eyes with the backs of my hands. "I don't know what I did either. I thought he was going to hate me, or at least be mad at me for what happened," I mumbled, dropping my hands to my lap. My eyes cast down towards them.
Sidon sighed a little. "It wasn't your fault. I chose to come after you and I chose to fight those monsters. Neither of us could've known one of them would have shock arrows. Nor could we have known it was going to be a blood moon. Please don't feel bad about that, love," he said, his tone almost pleading as he placed a gentle hand on my cheek to guide my eyes back up to his.
I offered a tired smile up at him. "Okay, okay. I don't know what I did to deserve you," I said with a sigh.
This earned me a sad smile from Sidon. "You deserve the world. I hope one day I can make you see that," he said softly, with so much warmth in his voice it took my breath away.
I just pulled him down into a kiss, which he readily returned. When he pulled back, however, he had a sad- almost pained- smile on his face. "You have to go to the castle soon, don't you?" He asked softly, his hand still gentle on my cheek.
I covered his hand with my own, leaning into it. "I do. Are you alright?" I asked, my own voice low.
Sidon chuckled a little, though the sad smile did not waver. "Me? I should be asking you that, guppy."
I bit back a sigh, instead putting on a brave face. "I'll have Zelda back. That's all I need to think about right now... Well, that and I'll be able to come back to you, and neither of us will have to worry about this stupid destiny nonsense again," I answered, offering up a small smile.
This seemed to ease Sidon's worry a little, though the worry and sadness still in his eyes made my stomach twist. "You're right. I would like to see Zelda again, and I know you'll be glad to have her back. I'll be glad when you and Zelda both are free from this burden you should not have to carry," he said, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.
I smiled warmly up at him when he pulled back. "I'll be back as soon as I can, I swear it."
Sidon sighed a little, but kept his sad smile carefully on his face. "I take it you have to go then?" He asked, a profound sadness leaching into his voice.
I just nodded, then moved so I could hug him. He held me back with fervour, his face buried in my hair. "Please be careful, my love," he whispered.
This earned me a small chuckle from Sidon. I pulled back to see a slightly more genuine smile on his face. "That's not as reassuring as you might think, guppy."
I smiled a little up at him. "Then I'll be an appropriate amount of careful. Don't worry, dear, I'll come back to you, safe and sound," I said before kissing him quickly and standing to get dressed.
"You better. Don't make me force you into making another pinky promise," he joked weakly.
I smoothed my champions tunic down before pulling on my boots and walking back over to Sidon. "You didn't force me, I thought it was cute," I said with a warm smile as I held out my pinky. "And I'll do this one willingly too. I promise you I'll return, safe and sound."
Sidon gave me a sad smile before wrapping his pinky around mine. "Now you can't break this promise. It is a pinky promise," he said with a small laugh.
I kissed him then, trying to profess how much I will fight to keep this promise as my words had failed me again. Never had I been in a situation like this, and I wanted with my entire being to be able to keep this promise. I wanted to be able to return and live by Sidon's side.
I eventually had to pull back. Sidon placed his hand on my cheek then, smiling that same sad and pained smile. I removed his hand so I could wrap my arms around his neck in an almost desperate embrace.
"I love you, y'know that?" I whispered from my place nestled in his shoulder.
He held me a little tighter then. "I do, and I love you as well. With my whole heart and soul," he answered, his own voice barely above a whisper.
I eventually had to pull back, kissing him quickly before unwrapping myself from around him. "I have to go. I'll see you soon," I said as I fought to actually get my body into motion.
Sidon offered a tired smile towards me. "You better be, you promised," he answered as I managed to force myself towards the door.
I grabbed my pack and slung it over my shoulder. I was bringing very little as I intended- I hoped- this would be a quick trip. I hesitated when my hand touched the doorknob.
"No, love. This isn't goodbye, it's see you later."

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