Chapter 4: Close up!

Start from the beginning

Via accident.. we make eye contact. OH NO-

Indonesias POV

My eyes widen as I suddenly see Nethers face in front of me. Where did that come from?! Okay- the question is stupid I know. As if a miracle has happened, everything was suddenly in slow motion. I look at Neths face. I never had someone else's face despite Ames so close to me. He looks back at me with bright, shining orange eyes that are as warm as the evening sun mid summer. His skin seems a little rough, I assume it's from the daily work outside. I also see one or other small scratch but it's nothing serious. Neths hair is a little fatty, but I'm not even mad or grossed out or anything remotely close like that because it fits the entire look perfectly. Not to mention the light, a little yellow stained hood of the coat he's wearing in the combination with his iconic scarf... this.. this man is beautiful! I mean- Ame said that- but he- and I-
Before I'm able to collect my mind or even say anything the miracle was over and Nether suddenly tears his eyes away from me. That actually bothers me a tiny little- deep down in the stomach. But I just can't react- still being stunned I just continue looking at what's happening.

Meanwhile with Netherlands (POV)

Time suddenly seems to slow down.
I can't help myself and stare at the smaller details on Indos face for a second- I never was this close to him ever in my entire life. Woah. He has soft looking skin, a few freckles on his nose and a slight blush. The bee keepers hair looks soft. Both face and hair are so very clean and taken care of. His eyes are widen and rose pink, yet so deep I could get lost in them. All in all he is just so perfect. My heart skips a few beats again where I just look at the beautiful man in front of me. So small and soft, yet so clean and friendly..
Tho I can't get over the bandages over his face. Someone has beaten him- I'm most definitely sure. I assume he has gotten first aid from Belgium- but was there someone inside the garden wanting to take out something on him? I think I'll ask around the village a bit to find out. I personally don't have enemies or people that highly distrust me- so it should be easy.

Then time decides to be normal again and my hand reaches the plant. I tear my eyes away from the other country and grab the sapling.
„Thanks for helping." I bring out, trying to sound normal, going past him to the next hole, my heart racing in my chest. Alright Neth, deep breaths- don't make it too oblivious tho. As I unsuccessfully try calming down and not to turn red or do ANYTHING that could expose me- I simply stare to the ground, deciding to plant the sapling with almost shaking hands.

As Belgium starts talking somewhat randomly out of nowhere- my heart calmed a little more. I swear this is not healthy for my blood pressure.
„Indo, you can go home now- there is no need for you to stay longer." She says- maybe she realized that something is off with me? Or is she just seeing that Lux doesn't want to interact with Indo like- at all? Not sure about that.
„Okay.." Indo responses and leaves- at least I hear his footsteps disappearing- you see I'm just still staring at the ground.

A few minutes pass, as I hear/feel someone- Lux approaching me. I don't look up, still trembling a little. He kneels down next to me- I feel Belgiums presence near by.
„Is everything okay Neth?" he asks curiously. NO- NOTHING IS OKAY-
„Yes of course- let's just finish planting these okay?" I simply reply. Lux tilts his head- being a little unsure, but Belgie comes to my rescue.
„I'm getting the garden hose!" She basically slaps the attention right in our faces, running off afterwards- happily as ever. A very sweet aspect about her- I wonder that no one laid an eye on her- or is there something I should know?
„Sure sis." Lux responds for the both of us- even tho our sister is already gone. Lux looks at me again, being more serious once more- making my stomach curl up.
„Nether are you sure everything is alright..? You seem so tender since you and Indo stared at each other.." He then spills, genuin worry in his voice, but also confusion and suspicions. Don't say anything wrong Nederland- you're doing so well-
„Yeah I am fine- sorry to worry you- I think I accidentally looked at the sun for a little too long." I say. Lux narrows his eyes- but it's true: Indonesia is my sun, not only beautiful but also out of reach for me.

With that we three continue working- and it is going well.

At evening, after dinner I went out the house once more- telling Belgie and Lux that I'll just go walk a little. And this is not even suspicious because I do that a hell lot often- so I can set my mind free- which is quiet nice. So I walk around our property with a lantern- since it's already dark. The sky is full of clouds- meaning no clear night sky to do some star gazing- I love that. But it also means that it won't get much colder which is good as well. So anyways.

„Heya brother- going out again?" I suddenly hear VOCs voice out of NOWHERE right next to me- giving me a heart attack.
„VOC!" I practically yell at the ghost- almost falling. Seriously my knees were butter for a moment.
„Sorry- sorry-" He apologizes. I roll my eyes and enter the green house, which I had arrived at in the meantime.
„It's okay- stuff like that is killing me- yet keeping me alive and watchful." I simply press out. It's sad that I cannot slap him anymore.
„By the way where were you the entire day?" I ask, walking through the glass house- being careful to not trip or rip something apart.
„I tried building contact to the dead." VOC replies- floating above and next to me. My eyes look irritated at him.
„Are you kidding me? You are dead too-" I respond- not understanding.
„Righttt- I keep forgetting that."
„Anyways to put it in a better way- I've tried contacting the dead Countryhumans that aren't around as ghosts." VOCs tell me before I explode out of the feeling of being triggered. That catches my attention tho.
„Oh really? Why didn't you say that in the first place? Sounds pretty interesting." I say, curious. VOC glares down to me, annoyed- but that is sweet sweet revenge.
„Glad that you find it that way.."
„Oh come on- I'm just messing. How did it go?" I turn the topic around. VOC floats in front of me, therefore I stop walking.

„I'm making progress, maybe one day- I'll be able to reach Dad!" my twin says, excitement sparklingly in his eyes. Could be the reflection of the lamp too, but for Christes's sake I'll stick with the first opinion. Tho reaching Dad? That'd be awesome for sure, but something pulls me back from sharing my brothers excitement.
„I see.. you'll figure it out- keep up the good work brother! Tell me if anything happens." I therefore simply reply, walking through him, trying to boost his motivation.
„Yeah yeah- I will- now: how's the plant?" The ghost is now the one changing the topic. In the meantime I reach the object I am looking for. Or more like: three objects. I already mentioned, I'm trying to grow some sort of outdoor communication for VOC- so he can talk to Belgie and Lux too.

„I'm not so sure- well the plants are good- I just hope one of them will finally work once fully grown." I reply- staring at the objects Belgium likes to call ‚my pride' since I am pretty proud that these grew so well so far, and because I'm not letting anyone lend a finger on them.
„I hope so too." VOC nods and we look in peaceful silence at the pots.

„Has anything remotely interesting happen today? I saw Indonesia leaving the garden." my twin softly says after a while. I mean- he cannot tell anyone- so he knows that I have a crush on Indo- I mean I HAD to tell someone to get it off my chest- and VOC is just my best option.
„Well- you see.." I start- and then start talking/swarm about Indonesia once again until deep in the night.

Words: 2345

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