🚌 Wheels on the bus 🚌

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Percy's pov:

*6:30 AM*
My alarm clock rings and I groan as I get up. I start to think why I woke up this early. Right, crybaby and Elita told me to get to the bus stop at 7 to meet up. I quickly head to the bathroom and get dressed. Crybaby had the "great" idea to dye her uniform purple (she hated the pink on that uniform it's too tacky) I was good at embroidery so I also dyed my dress in a an orangey kind of pink shade and put stars and swans on the sleeves and hem of the uniform and it looked pretty cute. Elita wanted to dye her uniform teal but her parents didn't allow her to so she stuck with the pink. As I put on my dress(yes our uniform was a dress) I got my hair stuck which messed it up so I had to comb it. I tied it up into a half pony since I looked good in it and went outside. I saw my mom reading a book and was stunned to see me. "Since when did you get up this early?" She mocked I told her what Elita and crybaby wanted to do and she was ok with the plan. I had a bagel and some scrambled eggs and just as I left the door my mom gave me the biggest hug. "I'm gonna miss you Percy. I love you so much. Your bother would have been proud." She started to sob. My dad joined in and told me he loved me. I left the house looking back at the window knowing that I would not see my family for a very long time.

*At the bus stop*

"Crybaby, Elita where are you guys?" I yelled out to them also realising I woke up other people. I ran to the bus stop in hopes that they are there. As they see me Elita comes with crybaby tagging along as they proceed to hug me. "So we ready for this bullshit to begin?" Crybaby said. That cause me and Elita to giggle. The bus only came at 7:30 and it was 7:00 so we just talked. Not long after the bus came we thought it was small but I was so big in the inside. The seats were big enough to fit all three of us so we all sat together. Crybaby at the window seat, Elita in the middle and me at seat along the isle. I noticed some blonde girls with blue eyes. When they saw me they looked at me with vicious eyes of jealousy. I knew who they were, it was Kelly and her stupid PCC's (plastic carbon copies) and they always had something against our small trio. Just then Something was thrown at Crybaby, a pink piece of paper scrunched up into a ball. As Elita and I read it, I clasped my hand over my mouth while she yelled out to the blue boy. I heard whimpering coming from crybaby as the had the note open on her lap. "Gaped-tooth bitch" was written in the scruffiest handwriting posible. Kelly and her PCC's started mocking her "Awww does the bunny wabbit me a tissue?" Kelly said in a baby voice then laughed. "I bet she has them in her bra!" Some other girl said. As Elita calmed crybaby down I yelled at everyone else. "Are you idiots seriously gonna mock someone because they have a bigger heart that you all lack? You're all so pathetic, get a life!" I said in annoyance to their childish behaviour. Once crybaby stopped well, crying, we talked throughout the long sad drive

While crybaby was busy taunting the bus driver she may have accidentally crashed the bus into the sea. I mean that was a plus point! No sad school. We were all underwater and when I looked up I saw all those stupid heartless children like animals knocking on the glass. "We better get out of here before those assholes drown us." I said and with that we nodded our heads in unison while our eyes flickered pitch black. We thought of the bus. Going up, up, up into the clouds. Everyone was shocked at what they witnessed. The rest of the ride was on the clouds. "We should come up here more often." Elita said. Just then someone jumped out of the window. "Should we land this thing before more people decide to test out if they can fly?" I asked "Nah it's fun up here!" Crybaby said while Elita giggled at my words. In a matter of minutes the bus was suddenly pulled down harshly. As we exited the bus the driver tried to look up our asses. We stood in a line letting the wind blow our skirts up revealing the words "Fuck of bastard" on our underwear. As we headed to class we saw nobody in the building.

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