Many promises ( p 2

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*Alberto and Massimos pov *

"ALBERTO" The tall boy heard his name being yelled from downstairs. He quickly rushes down to see his dad waiting for him at the door." Goodness Alberto figlio how are you not dressed yet"?
"Huh? What's happening today. I mean I don't have work"? Alberto said confused.
"Figlio we have to pick up Giulia and Luca from the train station" Massimo said calmly
"Ooooh. But I thought they arrived at 5 am it's 3 am".
"Yes I know but I like to be early also we need to organize the house quickly". Massimo responded
"Ok papa I'll organize Giulia's room then I'll change". Alberto said
" I know you are not well with Luca but please be kind to him please fix his room and do it nicely."
Alberto sighed and nodded.
When he was walking up he rolled his eyes. Obviously not at his dad but at Luca.

*Albertos pov*

-Speaking in his mind- " Gosh are you kidding me? Why does stupid Luca have to come? I want nothing to do with him. He already got me fired from my old job what else does he want?I hate him so much I don't understand why Giulia still is friend with him". Alberto said frustrated in his mind.

After about 50 mins Giulia's room was perfect it was her favorite colors. Red and yellow. The bed was neat as it could be and the colors were as bright as her personality. Alberto was very happy with himself now he had to do Lucas room. He yelled in anger then dragged him self to Lucas room. Why couldn't his dad do it? Why couldn't Luca do it himself? He basically finished the entire room in 15 minutes. The bed was dull and neat but not as neat as Giulia's. The room was blue and green like is his favorite colors. It wasn't perfect but it looked nice. Alberto couldn't be bothered so he left the room quickly. He ran to his room and changed into a white shirt with a print of a boat on the middle. It looked very dull. He had shorts that had blue stripes at the bottom. His hair was very fluffy and had a streak of purple , his favorite color , on his hair. He re dyed it for Giulia since she likes his hair.He loves Giulia , sibling love of course , since they always got along and had a close bond. He doesn't care what Luca thinks. After all he hated Luca. Or does he?

*Luca and Giulia's pov*
"AAA IM SO EXCITED LUCA!!"She yelled overfilled with joy.
" Giulia were in a train" he said laughing but his laugh slowly stopped
" what's the matter luca? You were happy two seconds ago??"
"Do you think I can fix things with Alberto? Ever since I you know got him fired he has hated me.. I never meant to get him fired it was a mistake!" He said as he started to tear up.
" hey hey Luca calm down it's ok. We have all the time in the world. I know deep down Alberto still cares he's my brother after all. I know it was a mistake but I also understand why he is mad. All you need to do is try it will all be fine I promise". Those words hit Luca like a bullet. " Promise?"

•Two hours later•

-ARRIVING TO PORTOROSSO IN 5 MINUTES- the speakers shouted
Giulia started bouncing with excitement but Luca stayed still
" Come on Lu it will be fine. I know Alberto ti ama deep down we just need to lift it! Dai andiamo"
" I'm just scared what if he still hates me"
" It will be fine. Look I'll talk with him soon prometto"
-Luca sighed- " let's go.."

*Albertos pov*
Him and Massimo were walking to the train station
" look figilo please be nice to Luca please try to forgive him. He cares about you. It was a mistake and I know you know. Please take my words seriously"
" Ya ya like he cares for me. He probably hates me". Replied Alberto. Those words He probably hates me stabbed Alberto in his chest. He still cares for Luca. He just always acted like he didn't because he didn't want to show he did. He wanted to act tough act rude and mean towards him. Show him that he was mad but the truth was , he forgave him long ago. " Why Alberto. Why are you like this. So stupid and rude just accept your feelings for him gosh dammit" he yelled at himself in his mind. The entire walk he was being beaten up by his own words. He hates you. He will never care for you. That's why he got you fired. He doesn't care if you like him. If you care for him. You. Are. Nothing. To. Him. He probably doesn't like boys anyways just give up. Even though he was saying that to himself it hurt a lot. The entire walk he was holding back tears. He PROMISED himself he would talk to him and become friends again.He didn't notice he was holding his breath until he almost passed out.

-Arrival time-

The train doors bashed opens as everyone ran out. Alberto was holding his breath again.
Giulia runs out and hugs Alberto as tight as she can "AAA MY FRATELLO I MISSED YOU TANTO!!"
Alberto laughed and returned the hug
" A grazie yes I am good and yes I can breath"
"AAA PERDONAMI!!" Giulia yelled
" anyways I have someone else to get she said quickly hugging Massimo
She came holding a pretty boy in her arms.
Medium height brown hair with ends of blonde. Hazel eyes that had hints of gold. His pale skin shinned in the sun. It was Luca.Alberto swore that the air got warmer as he saw him. He scoffed trying to act like he didn't care. Little did he know that's shattered Lucas heart.
"I told you Giulia he hates me" Luca whispers in her ear
Giulia rolled her eyes in denial
" No he doesn't I know my brother".
After long hours of hugs it was finally time they arrived home.
Giulia looked at the house in amazement as Luca started at Alberto sadly.
"COME ON LUCA LETS GO IN!!" She pulled Luca inside showing him her room
"Wow" Giulia and Luca said
"AAAA I LOVE IT!!!" Giulia yelled hugging Alberto tightly
"Thank you so much bro!!"
When they arrived at Lucas room Luca gasped in amazement it wasn't as amazing as Giulia's but he loved it. Mostly because Alberto had fixed it.
They spent the entire day talking. Well Giulia and Alberto Luca stayed by Giulia not saying anything.
By 8pm everyone was sleepy so they went to bed.They said their good night and headed off.
"I love you Alberto" Luca said silently in his room. Kind of hoping Alberto heard him but he knew it was impossible.
One day they will be friends again he PROMISED himself. Again.


Thank you so much if you read that all!!I will try to keep my stories over 1000 words per page. This page was 1174 alone. Obviously the last one was only 700 hundred but I tried to push myself. I will try to update very often saying that I love this story and how it's going. At the end of this story I kind of gave up but that's because I need a rest. Goodbye!!

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