Tʜᴇ Dɪɴɴᴇʀ Qᴜᴇsᴛ

Start from the beginning

"Yeah it's pretty weird." I mumbled, wrapping my fingers around the glass and bringing it to my lips, "Let's make a toast." Ledger said abruptly, I removed the rim of the glass from my lips but kept my glass hovering in the air.

"To meeting eachother, new beginnings, and a wonderful night out." He beamed, I sucked in my bottom lip so my grin didn't slip out, but the rosiness that dusted my cheeks was a giveaway. Our glasses lightly clinked together before we both leant back and took a swig of the beverage.

It just seemed to make sense, we got on so well, everything ran so smoothly and I couldn't have been enjoying myself more. Ledger told me all about his daughter, all about his past life and growing up in this town; I told him all about my past (leaving out certain parts) I briefly explained what happened with Alison, he told me he remembered hearing all about that.

As soon as our food was brought out we continued asking questions to one another, I was three glasses of wine in, Ledger was on his third now; I'd decided to call our back and forth question game: 'Dinner Quest'

"Okay okay my go." I placed my fork into my bowl and wiped a hand on my napkin, Ledger stopped eating his chip and placed it back onto his plate, the rules were that if you were asked a question you can't eat, if you answer that question you can carry on eating but if you don't, then you cannot start eating again until you answer a question.

"Turn offs in a woman?" I asked, he was staring at the chip between his fingers, I could tell her really wanted to eat it. "When they lie, and when they don't like how I have a daughter." He replied smoothly.

"Women don't like when you have a daughter?" I retorted, watching as he placed the chip in his mouth and reached for another, he glanced at me and nodded slowly. "Do they get jealous?" I asked, Ledger shrugged, his mouth was full so that's why I was receiving answers like this.

"One of my ex-girlfriends, after Diem's Mother of course, she would try and force me to stop seeing Diem?" Ledger explained, my brows raised, "She thought that I was sneaking around with her Mother when I went to pick her up or drop her off, shit like that." He rolled his eyes and leant back in his seat.

"Psychotic." I mumbled, he lifted his glass up as a way of saying 'Amen to that' which brought a small smile to my face.

A smile that was quickly wiped off as my eyes trailed to the figures walking nearby our table behind Ledger. A tall blonde with her hand clasped around someone's behind her, I knew that hand, unfortunately.

I must've flushed over pale because the warm palm coming down to rest on my own caused me to jolt slightly and snap my eyes back over to Ledger. "You okay?" He asked worriedly, "Yeah, yeah." I brushed it off, eyes flicking back to the couple as I watched Jason take a seat opposite his date a few tables away from us.

"I don't like liars Quinn, talk to me." Ledgers thumb slowly brushed over my knuckles, I sighed and looked back at him, "There's a guy that's just walked in and he's an ex of mine, it's nothing, I'm over him but..." I let out a long exhale, "Our breakup was just messy."

I wouldn't describe our 'breakup' as messy, I'd describe it as traumatising, devastating, and by far one of the most worst things that's ever happened to me.

Ledger nodded understanding, he kept his hand over mine and continued to ramble on about anything, it was sweet he did this because he was trying to divert my mind, it was working.

Once Ledger had paid for the bill he told me to go wait by the entrance, I wrapped my coat back around me and picked up my purse, placing a five dollar note on the table as a tip before I made my way across the room to head to the entrance.

Jason's eyes flicked to mine as I neared their table, I continued looking straight ahead but caught his eyeline for a brief moment. His face hardened, jaw slack and teeth partially gritted; but I could tell by the redness in his eyes and the bags under them, he'd been using. Still the same old Jason huh.

"I had a wonderful time tonight thank you." I stood out on my porch, Ledger on the step just one down from me, the taxi stayed put on the road, the rumbling of its engine being the only noise filling the street.

"So did I Quinn." Ledger smiled softly and stepped up one more so he was right in front of me, "I guess after every date you gotta get kissed right?" I asked, Ledger lifted a hand up to the side of my face and tucked a chunk of hair behind my ear.

"As much as I want to kiss you, and have been thinking about it since the first time I laid eyes on you," his warm palm still rested on my jaw, "I'll be gentleman." Ledger leant his face down to mine so our lips were millimetres apart, but I felt him move over to my cheek and press a soft delicate kiss there.

I couldn't help but grin, he was a sneaky bastard. "I'm okay with waiting a little longer until we finally kiss." Ledger smirked, moving his hands down to rest on my hipbones, "But any longer than a month and I might go insane." He whispered, leaning down and kissing me once again on the cheek before spinning round and heading down the steps.

"See you soon?" He called over his shoulder, hands stuffed in his trouser pockets, he turned back round to face me. "You swerved me there's no way I'm seeing you again!" I called back sarcastically, Ledger threw his head back and laughed, "Don't be sour Quinn, I will do soon, just you wait." It was dark and the only light being the one on my porch, and the headlights of the taxi, but I still saw the wink he threw at me before moving round to the passenger side and ducking into the vehicle.

I felt extremely giddy as I made my way upstairs, maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the extremely attractive Doctor that's going to be the death of me.

My parents were sound asleep so once I made it to my bedroom I slumped onto my bed, grabbing a pillow and stuffing it over my face I let out a little excited squeal.

God I hadn't felt like this in years.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑇𝐼𝐸𝑆 𝑇𝐻𝐴𝑇 𝐵𝐼𝑁𝐷 𝑈𝑆-𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑠Where stories live. Discover now