3 : Your Figure

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Okumura's POV

After School

Catch for him.. again? My heart thumping really hard against my ribs that it feels like it's gonna explode. I'm really excited to catch his pitches again after a long long time, I wanted to see his growth and how much he has changed.

I walk towards the field to see Sawamura-senpai and Furuya-senpai running with their tires.

Hm? Furuya-senpai is smiling while chasing Sawamura-senpai..? Aren't they rival?

Somehow I have this kind of feeling and maybe an instinct that Furuya-senpai like Sawamura-senpai. I don't like where this is going. I can't even get close to him because of what happened that day. I feel guilty and responsible but I still can't hold back my own feelings that yesterday I went over the line.

I wait for Sawamura-senpai in the corner of the field. He noticed me and greeted me happily.

"OKUMURAA, LET'S PLAY CATCH BALL FIRST FOR WARM UP, WAIT FOR ME," Sawamura-senpai shouted to me. He drink as fast as he could and pass the bottle to Furuya-senpai. Furuya-senpai drink.. it? Doesn't that mean it's an indirect kiss?

I growl at Furuya-senpai and giving him a piercing gaze. Furuya-senpai stare at me in confusion and then he walk away to Sawamura-senpai. He said, "Don't forget. Sunday night." Sawamura-senpai nod excitedly while wiping his face with a towel.

What are they going to do on Sunday night?Why are they being so secretive like that?

"-mura, Okumura, are you okay?" Sawamura-senpai snapped his fingers in front of my face and I'm back to reality.

"Oh, I'm okay, just feeling a little bit tired," I'm making excuses and put my usual poker face.

"Now let's just go warming up your shoulder," I said while wearing my glove and picking up some balls from the container.

"Okumura.. I've been wanting to ask you this, have we ever met somewhere before..? I feel strangely comfortable around you and it's like I have known you for years..," Sawamura-senpai asked with a hesitation in his voice.

I stopped catching his balls and stare blankly at the ground. I exhaled, trying to keep calm and replied, "No, we never met before."

"THAT'S SETTLED THEN, DONT FORGET TO WEAR PROTECTION BECAUSE MAYBE YOU COULDN'T CATCH MY PITCHES," Sawamura-senpai grinned and prepare to pitch while I'm putting my gear.

Sawamura's POV

"I will throw a fastball, a changeup and an improved cutter ball, you better get ready or else you will get hurt, Okumura shounen," I said and after that throwing some fastballs to him until.. I threw my improved cutter ball and he couldn't catch it.

"That was a strike but sorry I couldn't catch it," he said with a surprised and apologetic look on his face.

"It's your first time catching my pitches, so it's ok-," I halted when I saw his little figure.

Huh? It looks like the kid in my dream and Okumura..

"Sorry I couldn't catch it, Eijun-san," said the blonde boy with an apologetic look on his face. He looked like he would cry at any moment if I didn't comfort him.

"It's your first time catching, so it's okay, you can get better if you practice to catch for me everyday, right?" I comforted him and ruffled his hair.

"Let's end this for today, I will buy your favorite ice cream and we can play some games in my house," I smiled and held his hand, rushed over to the ice cream store.

We went there and enjoying our ice cream when I suddenly spotted a drunk guy in the outside store and he broke the glass over and over. I saw the blonde boy's expression turned pale and then I immediately grabbed his wrist to the restroom and hide there.

When we didn't hear the sound of broken glass, we decided to go out but.. the drunk guy was standing in front of the toilet. He tried to hit me with a wine bottle but I dodged. It was a huge mistake for me to dodge because it hit the blonde boy instead.

"KO- KOUSHUU, NO, WHAT SHOULD I DO?" I panicked and cried hardly when I saw the boy's head was bleeding. I tried to protect him when he was fainted, but the drunk guy hit me too.

"What are you doing here, Koushuu?" the drunk guy asked when I tried my best to stay awake so we could get out from here.

When he tried to hit me for the second time, I managed to get through him and get out from the ice cream store. I ran all the way to the hospital but I couldn't endure the pain anymore and fainted. All I could see before my vision blackened out was his cold body lying beside me.

Tears rolling down from my eyes when I start to remember what happened in the past.

"-enpai, Sawamura-senpai?" Okumura called my name many times. I feel so upset to the fact that Okumura lied to me, especially he didn't tell me about that incident.

I slapped his hands when he tried to wipe the tears on my cheeks.

"Senpai?" He looks surprised but I didn't say anything and walk away to the dorm and he chase me to our room.

"What's wrong senpai?"

"Nothing." I said angrily, clenching my fists.

"Tonight I will sleep in Furuya's room," I frowned while taking some of my belongings.

"Did i do something wrong?" Okumura asked and giving me a puppy look on his face.

Shit, why is he so cute? No, I'm still mad at him.

I looked away and slammed the door, leaving the wolf boy with a sad look on his face.


love them sm:)

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love them sm:)

I feel like the plot is going too fast, or is it just my feeling? To be honest, I don't think I will make that many of chapters, but I don't know how is it going to end too, so there is a possibility that I will make more chapters though. Anyway, thank you for reading again:) These days I feel really happy because I got my covid-19 test and the result was negative, like finally lol:)

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