Master Urokodaki

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Cold dirt covers the hands of the now young orphans. Emiko places flowers to each of the loved ones grave. Tanjiro is tending to his sister as she blankly stares at the snow. Emiko dressed her and bundle her up for the cold day. They have a long journey ahead of them.

Emiko softly kneels and bows her head to the ground, "Rest in peace in Heaven. Forgive me for not protecting you or crossing over with you for we are now separated. But I promise you, and the Kamado family," She lifts her head up, "That I will avenge you and kill the one who took your life."

The magenta haired teen lifts herself back on her feet, "I love you, mom, dad," Emiko then faces the graves of the Kamado family, "Thank you for being our friends and second family. I will protect your son and daughter until my last breath. I pray for your safe descend to Heaven."

Emiko bows and lifts up, wiping away the stray tears and taking in a breath, composing herself, "I'm ready."

Tanjiro swivels his head to his friend and steps towards her, "We stick together, no matter what."

"You could never get rid of me, Tanjiro-kun," She adjusts her backpack with all the necessities they need for the trip.

The amburn haired boy nods his head and walks with the girl to Nezuko who's still dazed. Tanjiro takes her hand and gently jogs away from his home. Emiko looks back, seeing the home that she basically lived in as well. The memories and events that took place here, where they played games and had shared dinners.

"Thank you for everything."


"How did you get that so fast?" Emiko asks, seeing Tanjiro jog to the cave with bamboo basket.

"I paid for it, but they didn't want the money, so I pushed it to the man and ran away. I don't like being in debt," Tanjiro explains, weaving the hole, fixing it.

She shakes her head at the younger teen and stands up. Emiko makes her way to the hole that Nezuko dugged, her head peeking out. Emiko lays her hand on top of the raven haired girl, petting her. Nezuko hums and leans into her touch, Emiko smiles and sits on her knees. This is probably the first time she smiled since last night. Nezuko and Tanjiro are all that she has left.

"Nezuko," She calls out, "Can you climb out of the hole we have something you can travel in without us sticking to only the night time," She pats her head as she urges the quiet demon to corporate.

Tanjiro appears beside Emiko, laying down the basket with the opening facing Nezuko, "Nezuko, Think you can fit inside? I want to keep moving in the day. I'll carry you okay?"

"Basket," Emiko points inside, trying to kyrie her in. Nezuko lifts herself up out of the hole and jams herself in. Emiko holds in a laugh, Nezuko's legs sticks out from the basket.

"Nezuko do you remember how you became big like an adult earlier?" Tanjiro spread his arms, "Do you think you can do the opposite? Get smaller?"

"Smaller, Nezuko-chan?" The teen encourages, patting her back. She rustles in the basket before her body is lifted into it. She transformed her body into a child, her head peeks out. Tanjiro pets Nezuko's head telling her she did a good job, she hums in response satisfied with the praise.


"I think we can let out Nezuko-chan. The sun's down and it'll be a lot faster with her walking along side us," Emiko implies, lifting the blanket off the top of the basket.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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