You Are?

289 11 3

new york city

"Yes, yes, this is beautiful, that should be all for today, amazing work today y/n."

You were currently at a shoot for VOGUE, you sighed leaving the shoot and into the dressing room. You loved your job but it was definitely tiring.

You sat down on the couch in the dressing room and pulled out your phone to see what you may have missed until your phone rang.


Incoming call from: Cynthia [Agent]


"Um yes, what is it, Cynthia?"

"You have a new gig!"

"Huh? But I just finished the vogue shoot."

"You have been asked onto the cast of the hit show Attack On Titan, I'm sending the details to you now."

And with that Cynthia hung up in your face, you facepalmed yourself. "The work never ends, maybe I chose the wrong profession." You thought to yourself.

You went up to your dressing room mirror taking off the makeup and then went to go change into a t-shirt with sweats, you didn't mind walking in public casually even if you were well known.

You grabbed your bag and headed out the door to your white G-wagon to head home, you were kind of stressing about going onto a tv show. Your agent did tell you last minute about it.

You went to get in the driver's seat and started the engine, but you weren't about to take off without your Bluetooth connecting.

The drive home was about 30 minutes and you jammed out to the music, you finally pulled up to your house.

You walked through the door, setting your bag down as your phone rang AGAIN. "Will I ever catch a break?"


Incoming call from: KAMILA

"Yo n/n"

"What do you wanttttt?"

"How dare you talk to your best friend in the whole wide world like that"

You chuckled at her, "anyways what do you want?"

"We're going out tonight, be ready in like 2 hours, k bye."

She hung up in your face not giving you a chance to decline, you decided to go along with it since you couldn't turn down partying with your other half.

You decided to quickly check the email Cynthia sent you about the tv show,

"We hope Y/N L/N can make it on set as soon as possible.

- Love and thanks from AOT Management"

Your eyes widened at the last message of the email, "AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, what are these people thinking??!" You were shocked they wanted you that quickly, but who were you to turn down good money.

After being shocked by the email that ended up leaving you with an hour and a half to get ready, so you hurried and ran a quick shower.

You got out and rubbed your body with lotion so your skin appeared moisturized and healthy.

Once you got done applying lotion to your body you made your way to your closet to pick out what you were going to wear.

When you went out in big party spaces you made sure to look good, you just never knew who would be there. You wore a red short bodycon dress, it exaggerated your favorite features about yourself.

ENRAPTURED || Jean KirsteinWhere stories live. Discover now