Part Thirteen - Just Checking In

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You slowly lowered yourself into the steaming water of your bath. You hadn't pushed yourself so hard in really long time. Your whole body was aching. The bath was nice. You needed to relax after the events of today.

Tony had watched your training the whole time. It was stressful. Loki pushed you really hard, while still wanting to talk about everything you told Tony. It was a lot to handle.

Hardly any time had passed before you could hear someone knock on the door to your room. You sighed.

Can't catch a break, huh?

"I'm in the bath!" You yelled.

"It's just me!" You heard Loki shout back. "I'm returning your books!"

You heard him enter the room and rustle around with your bookshelf a little bit. Then there was silence.

"You're still there, aren't you?" You asked.

Loki hesitated. "I just... wanted to check in."

You sighed, unable to stop the smile from forming on your face. "I'll be out in a minute."

You got out of the bath and dressed yourself in the clothes you'd brought with you. This time you were prepared. Ever since he randomly showed up in your room, you'd started bringing a change of clothes into the bathroom with you.

You opened the door to find him sitting in the chair you had in the corner of your room.

"Aw, no towel?" He teased.

You glared at him. "I'll kick you out."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me." You taunted.

He didn't speak, just stood up and made his way over to you, a playful look in his eyes.

Oh, shit. You done messed up now, y/n.

You backed against the wall, with nowhere to run. He got close. Real close. Some of his hair tickled your face. Your heart was pounding, your face turning fifty shades of red.

He leaned forward and whispered into your ear, "You wouldn't dare."

You let out a nervous laugh. "I wouldn't dare."

He smiled and patted you on the head. "Good."

Loki pulled away from you and went to sit on the edge of your bed. You were still processing what had just happened and couldn't bring yourself to move.

"Hey, tomato-face, you alright?" He asked.

You snapped back to reality. "Uh, yeah. Good. Great!"

He patted the space on the bed next to him, inviting you to sit. You quietly walked over and sat down, not wanting to see what the consequences would be if you didn't.

"What do you want?" You asked.

"Like I said, I just wanted to check in." He replied. "You holding up okay?"

You stretched your arms out. "Sore, but I'll be okay."

"That's good." Loki said. "I was worried I pushed you too hard."

"Hey, I need it, or I won't get any better." You explained.

You laid back on your bed, dangling your legs off the edge. "Do you want to do something? I'm not ready to go to sleep."

"Mm, how about a movie?"

"That sounds nice." You decided. "Jarvis?"

"Yes, y/n?"

"Can you pick a movie for me?" You asked.

Jarvis complied and a movie started playing on the screen at the foot of your bed. You and Loki both adjusted yourselves so your backs were up against the headboard, and got comfortable under the covers. You were hesitant at first, but managed to work up the courage to slide over so you were right next to him. He seemed taken by surprise, and reached his arm around you, pulling you in.

"This is nice." You whispered.

"Indeed it is." Loki replied.

The two of you sat quietly, cuddling and watching the movie Jarvis has chosen. It wasn't long before you could feel yourself drifting to sleep, listening to the rhythm of Loki's breathing. Loki let you rest, and gently stroked your hair as you slipped into a quiet slumber.

You found yourself waking up again because Loki was trying to lay you down. The movie had ended, and he was trying to leave. You sleepily reached your arm out, and tugged on the bottom of his shirt.

"Stay." You murmured.

"I can't." Loki whispered.

You refused to let go, repeating yourself. "Stay, please?"

"Tony would be unhappy." He tried to persuade you, grabbing your hand.

"Mmm, I don't care." You replied.

He sighed. "Only for a little while."


He smiled. "You're cute when you're tired."

You squinted at him. "No, I'm not cute."

He simply tussled your hair as he climbed back into the bed. "Whatever you say."

You snuggled right up to him and almost immediately passed out. Loki wasn't far behind. He never did end up leaving your room that night.

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