Part Five - A Breakthrough

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Okay. When you're ready, open your eyes.

You and Loki had been at this for a while, unable to get your powers to work while your eyes were open.

Loki I- I can't.

It'll happen eventually. You have to keep trying.

My head is pounding! I feel like I'm going to die.

Oh, don't be dramatic. That's my job.

You couldn't help but smile at that. Taking a deep breath in, you cracked your right eye open.

Here I go.

One eye open. The other.

Is it working? I think it's working!

Loki didn't say anything in response and you gave a heavy sigh, running your hand through your hair.

Got you.

"You asshole!" You yelled, throwing the extra book you had at him. It bounced off the glass, landing on the ground in between you.

He just laughed. "Rude."

You smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown as you realized you really shouldn't be having this much fun with Loki, of all people. Tony would kill you.

"Oh? Something wrong?" Loki teased.

"I should go. I can't stay here too long." You replied, getting up to leave.

Loki grinned. "Right, or you'll just fall head over heels for me."

You linked to his mind as you reached down to grab the book you had thrown.

In your dreams, fool.

Oh, you're not wrong, y/n.

You almost tripped over yourself when you heard that, and you could hear Loki chuckle.

Did I strike a nerve?

With that, you closed the mental link and flipped him off, leaving the room.

Today's training had gone surprisingly well. You had gotten to the point where you could hold the link for a very brief time when you were moving around. Your head on the other hand, was not doing so hot.

It took a big mental strain to do, but it was the craziest thing you'd ever done. You were excited to push yourself harder, but not before the pain faded.

How am I ever going to tell Tony about this?

At the moment you thought of Tony, the phone rang.

"Incoming call from Tony Stark." Jarvis chimed.

"Go ahead and answer." You said. "Hey, Tony. What's up?"

"Kid, I'm going to be gone for longer than I expected." Tony explained.

"Everything okay?" You asked, a little worried.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine, this is just taking forever." He replied. "I need you to bring food to Loki. Thor would kill me if I let him starve, and I'm not in the mood to deal with lightning today."

You laughed. "Okay. I will."

A brief pause from Tony. "...and don't speak to him. I don't want him getting in your head."

You sighed. "Right."

If only he knew. You'd have to tell him eventually, but it would be easier to do once you had a better grasp on your newfound powers. Maybe you could find a way to leave the whole Loki thing out of the story.

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