A thought passed a young Tom's mind about what he wants to do to David.
David looks to tom almost as if he has read his mind and grins.
David: okay guys let's hurry out, I've been waiting all day for a blower from my girlfriend.
Divide thinks of his initial experience with the team and how it was not so sweet. He takes a look at the crowd and then at the cheerleaders and wonders why he takes no interest in the red blooded girls fawning over the new star player.
They each get rides home in groups.
David drives his group home with Tom inside and they head to the local pizza place.
Tom is shy but they make him come with. He doesn't know but the team is sponsored by the local restaurants so they get to eat whatever they want for free.
It brings a smile upon David's face to see Tom hobbling up the hot pizzas, finally embracing his status as a citizen and member of the hawks.


Arnold is driven to school by his mom and dad. He Carrie's his heavy bag hastily to school. Staring at the gates he feels like he is at his first day of school all over again. He feels a rush of anxiety as if the gates would fall right on top of him.
Harriet: dont worry son, you'll be just fine.
Andrew: and if in doubt, just apply the sharp wit we know you for.
Andrew can sense the entire family is adjusting just as he is so he must do his part.
He walks into the school and is accosted by the class rep Angela.
Angela: hey there, you must be Arnold, it's nice to meet you.
He notices she is wearing the same red uniform with grey pants and socks as he is, as if they know each other.
Angela: do you know where your heading, your a bit late.
Arnold: I'm headed to uhmm...
Angela: let me see your timetable.
He scratches through hes nearly packed bag. It is almost completely unfamiliar to him as it was packed by his mom.
Angela watches as he struggles to find the correct paper so she takes a peak and then quickly pokes her hand inside.
Angela:oh yes here it is.
She points around the paper looking for the correct timeslot.
Angela: okay, see here it is. It's the one circled in red, 12pm, your at gym!
She walks him to gym.
He follows behind her watching the sun gleam against her black hair.
They arrive at gym class.
Angela: okay I'll be leaving you here as I am going to biology, easy throwing!

He joins the cue waiting outside the gym.
In the cue he sees students talking while some stretch and others eat.
He feels pressure so he joins those that are talking.
Devin: hey, you must be the new kid, well I'm devin and I'm part of the law around here, just be cool and you'll be okay. Dont try to pick any fights.
Arnold notices Devins nice bag and fancy wristwatch, he can tell hes from a wealthy family.
Devin:So where did you move from?
Arnold can sense everyone's attention shifting to him as Devin's questions progress.
Arnold: well I'm originally from a town called Brownsville but I moved here with my family over the weekend.
Devin: cool, if it's fine with your parents, you can come play playstation at my house afterschool. After we finish homework ofcourse.

Arnold eagerly nods .
The teacher Mrs Humphry exits the building and addresses the students.
Humphry: wnter in an orderly fashion with your gym cards out.
She punches a whole into each of them as they enter indicating that they attended.
Mr Humphry:okay students, today we will be playing a game called dodgeball. Do any of you know this game?

Devin: no sir, whatever could those two conjoined words refer to?
The whole class breaks out in laughter.
Arnold laughs too but also feels like the words Devin spoke were ripped right from his brain.

Mr Humphry:okay wise guy. But what else can you catch...
He throws the ball at Devin who falls on his bu, after the ball collides with his tummy.
The students watch wide eyed, wondering how Devin would react to the attack.

He thinks of something to say but is immediately interrupted by Arnold.
Arnold:hey can I be team Captain.
Humphry: initiative, I like that. Okay you pick the team.

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