The Jetsons

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The Jetsons

The Jetsons are a family that recently moved to a new neighborhood . The neighborhood is a tropical area near the ocean. They moved from a relatively dry area. Tje father's name is Andrew. He is a school teacher and athlete. The mother is Harriet, she is a scientist and doctor. They have 3 children. The first born is Kris who is a historian and researcher, the second son I David who is a college student and the last born is Arnold who is still in primary school.
Andrew parks outside their new home. The family has seen it before but it gives off a different feeling now that they are to be permanent residents there. The family offload the luggage, and a hyper flimsy Kris picks up her suitcase.
Local boys Harry and Sam cycle past staring at her but.
Harriet. Let's get the Luggage inside so we can prepare lunch. Andrew stands eyes squinted and focused. Only if your buying.
Kris steps on her dad's toe and then apologizes, "oh sorry dad, must be my weak misogyny... I mean muscles." Harry makes a clawing signal and meows from a distance. David bark, "I'll take your bike."
They head inside the open plan home. It's a beautiful design with modern furnishings and plant accents.
Kris: "home sweet home."
Having their first night there each of them sit in their specific havens within their home thinking about the day to come.

Kris sits alone buy the pond under the moonlight. She considers her thoughts and understands she must open up in order to fit in.
Harriet and Andrew celebrate the night away drinking wine and eating cheese. They worked hard for this home and now they have everything they could ever desire.
David and Arnold swap contacts while playing video games.
David already knows the people as he has been at the college for a few months now.

Kris works for the local Smithsonian. She does paleontology and essays there. Her unofficial duties include inventory, cleaning and accommodating guests and tourists from time to time.
Kris works with another researcher majoring in aquatic research. His name is Kyle.
Their first interaction was when the museum head introduced them. He showed young Kris the facility then lead her to the desk where she was transported by Kyle to the aquatic centre.
Kyle: so you like animals?
Kris: yeah, but from what I'm seeing, maybe I picked the wrong field.
Kyle shrugs then giggles.
Kyle: "well it's not all blue waters and colorful fish."
Kris: it's not?
Kyle: no there's pinguens too.
Kris laughs the asks to see the pinguens .
Kyle: how about we take a swim first.
He takes her diving in a biological hotspot where they interact with all kinds of aquatic wildlife.

Kris begins to shiver after exiting the cold water, to which Kyle quickly responds by bringing he hot coco and a warm towel.
Kris: this was so much fun. I can't imagine leaving.
Kyle: so what are some of your interests.
Kris: well, I like allot of stuff. I'm an ancient art geek too.
Kyle: is that so?
Kris: yeah, art is just as much part of the history as any building or story. In fact, you may find the story of an artist much more interesting at times.

David is playing football with his mates in the varsity field. The thrill of the sport causes his blood to run fast turning his light brown complexion to a maroon.
The starting bell rings. The clocks starts with zero zero and practice begins.
The team is called he hawks.
They play around the field for and hour and a half to cheers from the home crowd.
David's Gorlfriend Promise cheers from the crowd. She's a huge fan of his, it brings her great pride to watch him play. To the point where the huge bulking muscles of his teammates dont even distract her.
Once they are done playing they head to the locker rooms. There he is accosted by the Sawer twins.
Gregg Sawer: hey there neeley wed. You game is getting much better.
Sam Sawer: yes you handle the balls very well.
David: I do nothing more than any of my teammates.
They laugh and head to the showers. In the steamy room they clean their bodies.
The stench of musk and deodorant runs rampant in the room. One could even smell it outside if they walked past. All the boys struggle to shower as violent erections begin to appear as dominoes would fall against each other. The sexual tension is insane but they keep it going, only sneaking peaked at the peakes and creeks of their teammates physiques.
Sam: looks like today's drill wasn't the only thing that was hard.
They all poke fun at the skinny newbie Tom laughing historically. Truth is they all have felt the same and do even then. David noticed Tom has been sneaking peeks at him the entire time and has projected a kind of adolescenc devotion to him. His used to this kind of pressure by now being an older brother and high school prefect.

The Jetsons Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora