Season 3 Episode 3

Start from the beginning

Drago: you're giving Marnie special treatment and not me?!?!!?!?

Piers: She's my sis! I have to give her all the help she can get.

Drago: Alright, Gotta take you out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Piers: Hah! I doubt that! Go, Scraggy!

Drago: Go, Dragonite!

Dragonite and scraggy appeared on both sides of the battlefield

Piers: Scraggy, sand attack.

Drago: Dragonite, Outrage!!

Dragonite started to give scraggy a massive pounding and when he stopped, his ability clear headed activated, preventing him from getting confused.

Drago: Ha! That's the lucky skill Dragonite has!

Piers: no matter, go Malamar.

Drago: Hmm, Psychic/dark type, huh? I know, Dragonite return. Go, Scizor!

When Scizor appeared in the battlefield, Lillie started to freak out. She had an intense fear of bug types, especially Scizor.

Drago: Scizor, bullet punch!!

Scizor rapidly punched Malamar.

Piers: Malamar, psycho cut!

Malamar sent out waves of pink energy but didn't knock out Scizor.

Drago: Hah! Didn't you know Scizor is Bug/Steel type! Dumbass! Scizor, use X-Sissor!

Scizor makes an X with its claws and slashes Malamar, Knocking it out.

Piers: Time to face my mighty roar! GO, Obstagoon!

Drago: Shit! This is going to be so fucking annoying because of its fucking signature move!

Lillie: LANGUAGE!!!!!!!

Piers: Obstagoon, Obstruct!

Drago: And there it is. What to do? ah, I've got it! Go, Golisapod!!! Use First Impression!

Drago swapped Scizor for Golisapod, a giant inspection crustaiton Pokemon with powerful battle armor.

Golisapod uses first impression but Obstagoon blocked it by using Obstruct, which it performed by roaring and placing its arms in an X shape.

Drago: Pin Missile!!!!!!!!!

Golisapod used pin missile and inflicted a lot of damage. But Obstagoon still stood.

Drago: Damn it!

Piers: Hah, you can't take him down?!?!?!??!!?!?!!??!!!!!!!!!

Drago: Gah!!!!!! I think I'm gonna lose! I'm gonna forfeit the match!

Lillie: No! Don't do it! You've always pulled through!!!!

Marnie: You got this, bud! Let him have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drago: Golisapod, use Leech Life!!!!!!!!

Golisapod jaded its claws into obstagoon and leeched off some of its energy, finally knocking it out.

Piers: Everyone's gonna stink, but who bloody cares? GO, Skuntank.

Drago: Let's go pseudo-legendary! Go, Garchomp!!!!!

Drago returned Golisapod into its poke ball and sent out Garchomp, a shark/dragon hybrid with powerful claws.

Drago: Garchomp, Dig!

Garchomp buried itself underground.

Piers: Skuntank, Toxic!

Skuntank shotout a bombfull to toxic sludge but unfortunately it missed. And then Garchump bashes Skuntank right in the face with a super effetive critical hit, knocking it out instantly.

Piers: My throat is ragged from shouts' but that because it was a great battle.

Drago got the dark bage an the TM 87 night slash.

Pires: TM 87 cotains the move night slash when it's used the Pokemon charges though the night and unleashes a powerful slash

Dargo: thank you that was a cool battle , well we better get going to take on the dragon master.

Meanwhile in Rose Tower

Jasmine wakes up to discover that her upper arms, wrists, upper legs and ankles were tied together with strong rope and her mouth was gagged with silver duct tape. She then starts to scream and squirm and struggle to free her bounds, but the ropes we're too tight.

Jasmine: MMMPH! MMMPH!!! MMMPH!!!!!!!

Jasmine struggled for a little while then stoped and starts to sob quietly. Lisia, on the other hand was in the same situation but she had an insane amount of rope binding her. Her body was so covered with rope she could be mistaken for a barrel. Lisia was angrily struggling to free herself but the rope held fast soon Lisia was taken to rose's office and rose chuckled evily

Rose: Ha ha ha look at you contest idol. More like contest kidnapped.


Rose: Oh, right. Let me help you speak. *roughly rips the tape off of Lisia's mouth*

Lisia: Oww! That hurt!

Rose: Serves you right for trying to assault me.

Lisia: What's your plan here?

Rose: Well...

*one painfully long explanation later*


Rose: SHUT UP!!!!!! *instantly slaps her*

Lisia: Ow! Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chairman Rose: Well, you and the other girls have a "special" place in my plan.

Lisia: W-What special place?

Rose: You all get a front row seat to Drago's death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisia's heart started to break into a million pieces. Drago, her Drago whom she had grown to love, was going to be destroyed!!?!?!!?!?? Or so she thinks.

End of episode.

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