Alt USA timeline and worldbuilding for some BS code geass fanfic.

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It's the year of 3275 AD and yet despite how far we have managed to go. nations states currently still exist. hell event they already colonized the whole solar system in their banner. as every 5 players get their slices of it. as time passes on things got even far more intense and the UN have far more problem to wrangle, as newer nations begin to get on the space race bandwagon, as there is only 82 of them left. but most of them are bigger nations now. after they need to deal with their economy and also internal issues, they begin to get to the space race and take territory on be it the moons or the asteroid belts or mars or venus. as the moon of planet earth is occupied fully by the 5 players.

Fewer nations now exist on earth. as this year has to come. yet in Africa, there are only like 4 nations that exist in the end. from 195 countries to around 82 countries left. as one by one earth nation faded, and annexed by wealthier ones, or the 5 players of the space race which is, the European Union, Russia, china, USA, and last is India, as these nations are the ones that are the earlier who begin the space race during the year of 2055.

The USA currently on earth has ruled the entirety of Mexico and Canada. while India managed to takeover Nepal, Bangladesh, and also Pakistan along with Sri Lanka. while for china... it grows even larger than ever. while the European union banded together to form one government. as space travel is a thing, and Russia it is unknown what they are up to on earth either.

In this long year, the terraforming of absolutely all moons and planets except those gas giants, are all complete, and they all become very sustainable without any problem at all. finally, the humans there don't need any spacesuit just to get out of a restricted kind of domes or structures to live in. people in those place can finally act like what those earthlings does in their daily life, so the result is more people from earth begin to move in there.

Yet in this kind of year people would already get to the star system. but no the plot demanded them to stay like this. because the duh timeline is a shit. and the UN still does not unify humanity under one banner because people are still divided than ever as the plots wanted this to happen for the world-building of this fanfic.

The USA has controlled territory on mars, a huge chunk of the moon, a handful of asteroids on the belt. the territory on the Jovian moon, be it from Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, and io. meanwhile, the USA has the entirety of the territory of Saturn's moon which is called Titan. due to its immense oil more than earth its old earth, that the US of A, went full over there. as this moon is after all the most fortified of them all and highly defense by orbiting fleet of American spaceships. while the 4 players take their territory on other of Saturn's moons like Enceladus, Europa, rhea, dione, and many more of its moon.

As the moon of Saturn titan is the only territory that the USA controlled, 4 of those players can enjoy the others of their moons and their rings for mining. along with 4 corporations take this opportunity to themselves due to their influences there. the titan is so precious for the USA, maybe that's because the methane that lies there or the oil reserve that exists there is a hundred times more than the earth, which explains how the USA is so damn attracted to this moon so much and want to take the whole territory of titan for themselves.

It also expands further to Uranus and Neptune moons, which the colonization goes on. thought terraforming these moons takes forever to put it short. while the progress of it is still a work in progress.  colonization is still going on nevertheless. somehow the Kuiper belts are still pending when it comes to colonizing them. as the farthest the react of human colonization, the lower their population was present there which might be around 5-12k people lived on their moon, due to the far reach they were from the main colony.

As space travel begins to big, more competition going on. the US is the first who started arming its spaceship with turrets and other weaponry to defend itself from any hostile and secure its territory from its rival. along with it, the spaceship hulls are reinforced with some sort of armor in order to protect them from other enemy ships' attacks. there is a lot of development in this armed spaceship, and it takes a long time till the working model is produced for future use in the year of 2210s.

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