Chapter 1.

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I managed to find a shitty motel to stay at, it wasn't expensive, but was also bug and dirt ridden. I had scavenged, finding loose change. Luckily I was able to grab some clothes, like fishnets and other stuff, it wasn't conventional for a piltie like me, but I had them.

I walked down the road, dirt and grime puffing up after every step. I needed a job, I stopped at a few stores asking for jobs and they didn't appreciate the begging. I stumbled apon a large bar, bright lights and booming music came from the building.

I stepped inside, it was hot inside body heat mixing, I pushed through the crowd heading to the bar. I lifted myself onto the stool, my long ponytails hanging behind me. I called the bartender over, he had a stoic pokerface, "Hey, who's the owner of this place." I stated the slight tremble of anxiety laced my tone, he sighed and spoke in a solid tone, "why are you asking? He's in a meeting.".

The tone felt so different from the voices I'm used to in Piltover. "I need a job, I just moved here." I replied bouncing my leg nervously, he chuckled quietly, "We already have a bartender." I stuttered, thinking of a retort but nothing came up. "I can sing, or serve drinks and food." I spoke quietly, he seemed to furrow his brows slightly, as if I'm joking, it's like he can smell that I'm from Piltover.

He sighed again, as if what he wanted to say was a chore. "Go up the stairs, his office is the first door."

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