Chapter Sixteen

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Up opened his eyes, only to close them again. The light coming from the ceiling of the hospital is too much for his eyes to take in.

He tried to move, but a sharp feeling on his said, made him twist in pain.

He then felt someone come near him. His vision is still somewhat blurry, so he cannot really make out the face of the man.

Out of fear that it might be Em, Up panicked and tried to move away, but he felt the guy hug him.

"Hey... Up... it's me...."

"No... get away from me!" Up struggles, and is still trying to make out the face of the person.

"It's Tay... calm down."

When Up heard Tay's name, a tear fell from his eyes, and tried to reach for Tay.

Up tried patting his side, to get a hold of Tay.

Seeing this, Tay held Up's hands and brought them to his face.

"It's me. You don't have to worry now."

Up's tears then fell uncontrollably from his eyes.

"Tay... why... why can't I clearly see?" Up asked.

Tay released a sigh. "You had a head injury when the car you and Kao are in bumped into the wall. The impact was too much that it caused some pupillary defect."

Up was too stunned to speak. He can't do anything but cry.

"Kao. What about Kao? Where's Kao?"

Tay's silence brought fear to Up.

"Up... I don't think you have to see him now. You need to take a rest first..."

Up shook his head as tears fell from his eyes. "No. I want to see him now. Where's Kao?"

Tay looked at Up and sighed.


Although Up could not clearly see the place, he was certain that he was wheeled inside the ICU based on the sounds of the machines.

Tay helped him reach for Kao's hand to hold it.

"There he is, Up."

Up already has an idea of what the situation might be, but he refuses to believe it. He tightly held Kao's hand.

"How is he? Is he okay? Tay, tell me Kao is okay please..."

"If you're asking me how he is... I cannot really tell if he is. But I will not lie with you, Up. Kao's fighting for his life now."

What Tay said felt like a hard object that was dropped on Up's chest.

Up heard the door of the ICU open. He heard someone enter, as well as Tay greeting those people.

Tay excused himself and he heard the door close.

Silence enveloped the room, not until Up felt someone hold his hand.

"How are you, son?"

Tears fell once again from Up's eyes when he heard that voice. It was Kao's mom.


Up felt, Kao's mom wiped his tears. "Kao said that you shouldn't cry. He doesn't want to see you cry..."

"Mae... I'm sorry..."

Up heard Kao's mom stifle her cry.

Up cried even more and tapped his surrounding to reach for Kao's mom. When Kao's mom saw this, more tears fell from her eyes.

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