Chapter 1

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New York City. The Big Apple. George thought he would never get used to the crowded city, but it was a good distraction for him. He was finally settled into his new apartment, and was about to start his first day at his new job. The small theater he worked at didn't even open until 9:00 p.m, so he was able to sleep all day and be out all night when the city wasn't as busy.
The clock in his kitchen( well really it was just a small part in the open studio apartment that had a stove and small refrigerator) read 7:30. He had to get going. He walked out of his apartment and just as he was about to lock the door, someone ran into him, dropping everything in their hands all over the ground.
" Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I really need to watch where I'm going. I'm really clumsy and I'm running late and oh my, are you okay?"
The voice belonged to a young girl in her early twenties. She had a very American accent which was strange for George until he reminded himself that he was indeed in America.
" Uh.. excuse me? Do you understand me? Oh my you probably don't speak English. You have no idea what I'm saying, do you?" The voice broke his thought.
" I understand English just fine, or at least I think I do. I have been speaking it my whole life." George finally spoke light-heartedly.
" Phew, I thought you didn't and just assumed I was crazy or something. That's a very peculiar accent you have there. Where are you from?" The girl spoke once again.
"A small town in England." George replied.
" So what made you decide to move to the states?" She asked curiosity seeping through her veins.
" Oh you know, just wanted to get some new sieneary, the cold, rainy air wasn't really for me." George lied.
She could tell he was lying, so decided to change the subject.
" Nova." The girl said.
"Pardon?" George replied with his eyebrows raised in confusion.
" Sorry, I didn't give any context. My name is Nova Swallow."
Nova, what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. George thought to himself before replying.
"George Weasley." He stuck his hand out for her to shake which she gladly accepted with a smile.
" Well it was wonderful meeting you Mr. Weasley but I really must go or I'm going to be late. But it was finally nice to meet the new neighbor, everyone had been curious as to who had moved into that apartment. It's been empty for quite some time now." She told him, her smile never leaving her face.
" Oh? Why is that?" He asked not wanting his apartment to be hunted or anything.
" Oh, well I'm not entirely sure to be honest. It's been empty for as long as I've been here." She replied, as she shrugged her shoulders.
" Well I really must be going now, but once again it was wonderful meeting you George. Hope to see you soon, neighbor." She said with a big smile and a wave as she walked down the stairs.
His name sounded beautiful coming out of her mouth, he thought as he waved back. He looked at his watch and realized that he too would be late if he didn't get going. So making sure that his door was locked we walked down the stairs out of the apartment building with his thoughts of the beautiful girl he had just met.

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