19. A Little Closer.

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"Oh, please. I will have coffee some day for sure so this topic ends." Vedant says.

"No need to rush. First it is coffee. Then she will go for breakfast then lunch then dinner then many more things. So take your time. Because these things would never end as it is my Mom we are talking about." Reyansh bhai says and Vedant shakes his head with a chuckle.

"Mr and Mrs. Mehra, you have to dance?" The host says after we have dinner, "Please, you are a new couple. You have to dance."

"Sure." Vedant says while I am shaking my head in no.

"Vedant!" I exclaim and glare at him.

"Come on, Arya. Are you doubting my dancing skills?" He asks.

"Okay. But only one dance. I don't want my pleats to open." I say.

"Don't worry, it won't. By the way, I fixed it myself." He says with a proud look on his face.

"Don't say it out loud." I say looking around me to make sure no one heard us.

"Especially when her brother is around." Reyansh bhai says.

"Sorry." Vedant says then gives me his hand.

I look at it for a second then take a deep breath and put my hand in his. We walk upto the middle of the dance floor as soft music starts. Vedant puts his right hand on my waist and holds my right hand in his left. I put my left hand on his broad shoulder which felt hard under my hand.

We dance slowly for a minute and I feel relaxed and forget that people are watching. One dance turns into two, two into three and with every dance the distance between us grows less. Along with dancing and his talk, I felt myself not wanting to leave his arms. I wanted to dance with him as long as possible.

"Do you want to dance more?" He asks as the fourth song starts.

"No." I lied.

"Liar." He says with a smug smile and I look down with blush, "But maybe we should leave. I don't like driving in the dark during the rainy season."

"You are right." I say as even I don't like that.

We thank the host and say our goodbyes to his friends. Reyansh bhai is leaving too and asks me to come home with my husband. I nod and wave at him as he goes. Vedant asks me to wait while he brings the car around. But before he comes, the rain starts pouring down heavily and I am soaked in a few seconds only.

Vedant comes with a car and opens my door and I get in and he asks, "Are you okay?"

"I am fine. Just a little soaked." I say and he looks at me for a minute then starts the car.

"Let's get you home and warm." He says and I nod.

We drive towards home and he turns on the heater but there is traffic in front of us. Vedant asks me to stay in while he goes to find what happened. He locked the door behind him after making sure I was okay. I look at the time and it is almost ten. After two minutes, Vedant comes back.

"What happened?" I ask.

"A small accident. The traffic will be clear soon." He says and I nod.

We sit in silence for a few seconds and every now and then my eyes can't help but go to Vedant. His hairs are wet and everytime a droplet passes down his forehead, then cheek, then chin, then disappears down his neck, I feel a sudden urge to just wipe it off. I shake my head and look away.

The atmosphere in the car feels stuffy and hot as we wait for traffic to get cleared. As I look out of the window, I feel Vedant's eyes on me. I turn around to confirm and see his eyes fixed on my neck. He looked up in my eyes and I can't look away like he has casted some kind of spell on me.

A single water droplet moves down from the side of my forehead. It goes down and passes by ear then chin then in Vedant's palm. He has been looking at that drop and I was at him. His hands move to my chin and wipe away the remnants of wetness from there.

He doesn't back off and his hands go in my hair then hold the back of my neck. He starts leaning down and I can't help myself but lean my head back not knowing what would happen next or maybe knowing but don't want that thought to stop me.

But just before we can reach each other, a loud honk breaks our bubble and we come out of daze. Vedant sees the cars moving and starts the car while I settle in my seat and look out of the window. My face must be red by now realising what I was going to do in public of all places.

These types of moments need privacy, not the heat of the moment. But aren't heat of the moment is more fun too. We are husband and wife. We should do what we like but in privacy. I would die of shyness if someone has seen us... kissing which didn't even happen in the end. And I am confused about whether I feel relieved or disappointed. It is so confusing.

We reach home and Mom is still awake. I assure her we are fine and send her to rest. By the time I come to our room, Vedant is in bed looking at his phone. I take out my nightgown and go to the bathroom to wash up and change. I come out and see him lying down, so I lay down next to him after turning off the lights.

"Would you have minded?" Vedant asks after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"What?" I ask.

"The kiss. Would you have minded? Would it be too soon?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Okay." He says and takes my hand in his.

"Yes. I would not have liked being kissed in public especially when it is my first. And no it is not too soon especially if it feels right. And it felt right to me." I say with my eyes closed to gather the courage to say what is on my mind.

He takes his hand from mine and I open my eyes to see him hovering above me and my heartbeat quickens. The way he looks at me makes me clench the sheets in my hands in anticipation.

"Then I hope you won't mind me doing it in the privacy of our room?" He asks.

He waits for my answer patiently and looks at my lips then in my eyes. I close my eyes and shake my head in no. I keep them close in fear that if I would see Vedant face, I would do something stupid and this special moment would get spoiled.

The first touch of the lip was warm and gentle. I did not know how to react for five seconds but then I tried to kiss him back by mimicking his moves. It was a slow but patient kiss. After a minute, he is gone. But then I feel a small peck on my forehead.

"Good night." He says, "And also we are way past holding hands while sleeping."

I open my eyes to see his sweet smile and ask, "Why?"

"Because I am getting greedy and want you in my arms while sleeping." He says with a serious look on her face.

"Okay." I say and he looks surprised by my answer.

But then he moves from above and takes me in his arms. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. His heartbeat under my hand which is on his chest becomes my lullaby and I fall asleep.

But not before I feel a small brush against my cheek and his whisper which I can not make out.

First Wife, First Love.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu