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Etho and Beef were looking inline for something new to use to mess with the hermits with and a shocking lie detector comes up.

When it arrived, Etho was the first person to get his hands on it which was not the best idea.

"BEEF" Etho yelled and hid the device behind his back.

"What is it Etho?" Beef asks as Etho asked, "Did you steal anything from around my base?" 

He answers no and Etho pulls out the device and Beef gets shocked.

"I knew it." 

After Beef explained that he needed something and will pay him back, they decide to go have some fun with the other hermits. 

"Who first?" Beef askes and Etho smerks. 

Insert time skip brought to you by the dragon that no one sees who is coming up with the puns

Both of them land in Ren's base as he is building a new section.

"Hey Ren, Do you like Doc?" This makes Ren go red and Etho snickers. 

"NO" Ren finally answers and gets shocked.

"What did you do?" Ren askes as he flys down to pervent faling and dieing.

They explain to devise and how they are trying to get information from the hermits.

"I don't think that is a good idea," Ren said wal they fly off.

They had done this with almost everyone, only Grian left 

"Let's do something different like his grates fear" Etho suggests and when they ask him he tenses up and shouts Spiders and gets shocked. 

This is when he knows what is going on and flies off leaving both of them to rethink their choices. 

"Why would he lie about his fear?" Beef asks with the shocking experience. 

The truth is he is scared of rabbets and does not what to be made fun of. 

Grian flies to Mumbo to explain what happened and to get some support as he is the only one who knows but Mumbo does not know why.

Now the device starts to spark and flare. 

Both of them step back as it explodes the is reduced to a pile of ash on the ground. 

And to this day there is some ash that no one wanted to clean up.

Sorry it is bad and short but I needed to post something                      ~Crimson

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