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"we..we..."nil said nervously but soon the nervousness turned into confusion as they saw ani laughing holding his stomach

"oh my god what have you three of you done with your face haan , trio are looking no less than a joker hahahaaha" ani said laughing

"what I am seeing suarabh pinch me , sir is laughing" nil said shockingly

"exactly I can't believe it too" suarabh said shockingly

"what's there to not to believe in , he is just laughing what's the big deal with it" bon said rolling her eyes

"because we never saw him laughing like this "suarabh said

"yes he always keeps a stern face" nil said

"seriously how can a person stay without laughing or smiling opps sorry he is not a person obviously he will not smile "bon said giggling while nirabh stares at her

soon ani stops laughing looking at their shocking face

"what happened why are you all staring at me like this" ani asked

"sir its our first time seeing you laugh" nil said

"sir you keep smiling like this "suarabh said

"yes you look more handsome when you smile" bon said unknowingly

while nirabh looks at her shockingly , soon she realised what blunder she has created and bits her tongue

"oh really so I look more handsome when I laugh haan" ani asked smriking

" I didn't mean that "bon said nervously while nirabh goes away from there leaving them alone .

"ohh...then what you exactly mean" ani said moving towards her while bon moves back

"I...I mean that..."bon said moving back

"that..."ani said moving towards her

soon her back hits the wall and got caged in between Ani's hand , bon gulps breathing heavily because of their proximity

"What tell me do I really look that handsome haan" ani asked moving closer to her face

Ani leans towards her lips but bon pushed him and ran towards her room , closing the door loudly while Ani chuckled at her shyness

Inside bon's room ,

Bon was breathing heavily, her heart was beating extremely fast .

"Oh god what was that , bondita relax....relax bondita , but he was indeed looking handsome" bon said but soon she again felt her cheeks getting burn slightly.

Next morning ,

Everyone was sitting in the dinning table and having breakfast .

"Nil and suarabh will go with you to your college' Ani said while eating

"What but why Vampires can't come out in sunlight na" bon asked shockingly

"Yes vampires can't but they can hypnotise human and use them to hurt you" suarabh said while eating

"But you three are also vampire so the sunlight can hurt you right" bon said

"No the sunlight won't hurt us we are different from other vampires and much more powerful than them "nil said

"That's why they will stay with you 24/7" Ani said

"Then what about you , you won't stay with me" bon asked

"I have some other works to be done so they will go with you "Ani said

"Fine" bon said sadly continuing eating

"Why are you feeling so sad do you want sir to come with you "nil wishpered

"Yes" bon said unknowingly

"What "nil asked shockingly

Bon bit her tongue

"I..I mean yes I wanted him to come with me after all it's him who promised me that he will protect me right" bon said nervously before

"Ohh "nil said

"If you both are done with your wishpering then bondita look at the watch it's getting late "Ani said sternly maybe jealously

"Y...yes sir "nil said before getting up while bon to got up from the chair

She took her bag and went out of the house not before looking at Ani for once , soon she left

"Sorry bondita but I need to go and I have to find the blood flower before anyone else "Ani said before leaving

In XYZ college ,

Karan was waiting for bon at the college gate but soon he frowns as he saw two boys behind her like her bodyguard .

"Bondita who are they" Karan asked as soon as bon came towards him

"They...they are my cousin brothers and from now on they will stay with me 24/7" bon lied

"Cousins but you don't have any cousins right" Karan asked suspiciously

"They are my long distance cousins you don't know "bon said nervously

"But why will they stay with you 24/7" Karan asked

"Actually we are very possessive about our sister so we will stay with her for her safety "suarabh said

"Yes very very possessive "nil said darkly

"Fine let's go inside "Karan said before going while bon too follows him

"Who was that boy "nil asked

"I don't know" suarabh said calmly

"They looked very close" nil said

"Maybe "suarabh said calmly

They were looking at the college when they suddenly felt someone's hand on their shoulder.



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Till then bye bye

𝓐𝓝𝓘𝓓𝓘𝓣𝓐 : 𝓥𝓐𝓜𝓟𝓘𝓡𝓔 𝓑𝓛𝓞𝓞𝓓 𝓕𝓛𝓞𝓦𝓔𝓡 ( Completed ✅ )Where stories live. Discover now