Lucy and Daniela

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Lucy woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. It rang the same way it always had for years now. It was reliable. In fact, it had been waking her up everyday for four years. It started when she began high school and had done its job every day since. She sometimes thought about how she wouldn't need it anymore because it was her final year in high school.

The walls of her room were filled (as only a mother's laundry machine could be when she had a lot of children) with posters of comic book heroes and villains. She wore thick bottleneck glasses that had a small bit of masking tape on the bridge. Although they had been broken in half, Lucy's mother thought that there was nothing a bit of tape couldn't solve. So on went the tape to hide the break. The tape had been coloured black to match the glasses because Lucy wasn't worried about the break, but how the tape looked. The colouring didn't really help to hide it though and it stood out like Lucy would during cheerleading practice.

She quickly got dressed by putting on a plain white t-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans. Underneath she wore panties which proudly displayed the face of her favourite superhero. Spider-Man. Although she loved many superheroes Spider-Man was, without a doubt, her favourite. She would often just wear plain panties, but on days like today when she had a big test she liked to wear panties like these. Her Spider-Man ones. Her favourite ones. 

While Lucy finished getting ready for school, she thought about her last year of high school and how she would get to have fun with all her friends in their last remaining months together.

Lucy is a nerd.


Daniela woke up later than Lucy did. She hit her alarm clock as it woke her up. She did not think about how she might not need it in the future. She was also in her fourth and final year of high school; but she never thought about leaving.  She felt like a queen, and a queen never left kingdom. There was no reason for it. Daniela saw herself as one who kept order, and order always had to be kept, didn't it? Daniela was taller than Lucy by about five inches. Her face was flawless, just as her body was. She wore skin tight black yoga pants and a grey crop top that was equally tight. On her walls were posters of cheerleaders in a number of poses: scorpions, toe touches, and other fantastic feats of flexibility. And above her bed was a sign that carried the well known axiom: "No Pain, No Gain."

Daniela was a cheerleader.

She was also a bully. 


Lucy got to school promptly at 8 a.m. Her school started at 8:30. She met up with a number of her friends before class and they talked about the big test. When the bell rang she sat with her friends near the front of the class and waited for the rest of the students to arrive.

Daniela got to school at 9 a.m. She glared at the nerds as she walked down the halls, and smiled as they turned and walked away. A few ran, and she laughed. She also had a big test that day; not surprising seeing as how Lucy and her shared the same class. It was English. The test was easy for some, and of course, difficult for others. It was a few multiple choice questions on the books they had been reading. And there was an essay question. The question was, "Who is the greatest hero? Explain why. 1000 words."

Daniela, having gotten to school thirty minutes late had thirty minutes less to write the test.  She had no clue about the answer to any of the multiple choice questions and guessed C for most of them. When in doubt, right? She thought, as she answered without worrying about the test. She never worried. But then she got to the essay question.

The greatest hero? That could be anyone, she thought. What kind of question is that? And then she got it. Why her of course! She, Daniela queen of the school was the greatest hero. She did what she wanted and ruled the school with her iron fists. Sure, she thought, I have gotten in trouble before for giving too many wedgies but that never stopped me before and that wont stop me now. 

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