Chapter 2: First Day....kinda

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Beep Bee-


What a wonderful way to start the day, screaming at your alarm. After spending more time smacking my head with a pillow, I finally decided to get up and start the day..

Oh yeah, it was Monday.

Today would be your first day in the new class. You weren't nervous or anything. you should be You able to make some new friends, and you'd still have your friends from you last class anyway. There was one person in the class that you were interested in, not romantically, but in friendly way. Rio Futaba, you had always wanted to talk to her and become her friend. You just never got the chance to engage with her. You found her interesting enough to want to be her that sounds wrong doesn't it. Maybe you'd get the chance to befriend her now? If you remember correctly, you were going to be seated next to her!

Why do I know where Futaba sits? Actually, how do I know where Futaba sits-


"Good Morning, my name is (l/n) (y/n). I have been transferred here from the other class....uh, I like to take pictures..yeah"
What a nice introduction.

You got a few claps from the students there, and a fair amount of giggles as well. You would take your seat after further blah blah from the teacher. At the time, you were rather absentminded, so it did take some time to realize that the person sitting next to you was-

not Futaba, it was that Sakuta guy. Futaba was on the other end of the classroom. 

Well, great, I guess. At least you nice view of the track field.

After further wait, the class would start. The lesson was fine, I guess. You got bored easily, but you still listened. That's the least you could do, after all, you were paying for this! The guy next to you on the other hand, Sakuta, seemed to be completely mindless. He was looking at the teacher, but didn't actually seem to be paying attention. He seemed to be thinking about something. I just shrugged and continued to pay attention in class.

The class went on for some time, your focus would always shift from the lesson, and for some odd reason, the track field. You felt somewhat weird looking at the field. It was like a pulling sensation in you gut. You never felt this when you were in your old class, so you were really confused on why you felt like this now. It's like you were drawn to that field, like something significant in your life would happen there soon. You decided to ignore it, after all, it couldn't be anything important, its probably nothing. You still pondered about your sudden addiction to the track field when the teacher suddenly called your name.

"l/n, why don't you come solve this equation here?"
You had been losing focus for a while now, so the teacher suddenly calling out your name kind of made you jump. 

"Huh- Oh- okay."
You stand up and start walking towards the board. You felt a little nervous, as you haven't been listening to the lesson that much. Upon arriving at the board, you took some time to look at the equation, surprisingly, it wasn't that hard. You solved the equation in no time and turned back to go to your seats.

"Mhm, this answer is correct!" said the teacher
Duh, of course its correct, no one could possibly get that equation wrong.

After class

"Did I leave my notebook back at the classroom?.."
You muttered to yourself as you looked through your bag, indeed missing a notebook. You decided to go back to the classroom to see if it was still there. When you arrived, you could see that there was another person there. Being pretty focused on finding that oh-so important notebook of yours, you didn't notice who it was that was there until-

"l/n, right?"

You turned back to respond to whoever called out your name

Upon laying eyes on her, you immediately knew who it was It was Futaba, her eyes seemed to be shining through those glasses she had on. Her beautiful hair swayed ever so slightly with the small gust of wind blowing from the open window next to her. You didn't have a crush on her, but damn was she hot-

"Sorry for disturbing you...but may I ask, how did you solve the equation so easily" she said with a soft yet pretty serious tone

Equation? Huh? It took you some time to process the question.

"Equation? What do you mean?" you said while scratching your head

"The equation on the board during the class a while ago...everyone, including the teacher, was suprised....Did you not notice?"

Suprised? Equation? You still didn't fully understand what she was talking about. She mentioned the class.... Was it THAT equation? But it wasn't anything that difficult...

"Oh, you meant that equation from the class a while ago? I mean, I don't get why anyone should be surprised, it wasn't that hard-"

"It was one of the hardest equations on the book, I am pretty sure even the teacher does not understand how to do it too." 

You were still confused, I mean, honestly, the equation really wasn't hard...or maybe it was? It just happened naturally for you

"Oh, it is? I didn't really think so-..not that I'm trying to brag or anything-"

"Hmm...okay... if it isn't a problem, may I bring you to the science lab to ask some more questions?" she said with a stern expression

"Oh- uh, no, no problem at all-."

Huh, okay

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