C H A P T E R 2 - T H E N O T E

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Hello it's ✨me again✨

So yes I only just published the last chapter of this book half an hour ago but I'm bored and I can't find anything I want to read on Wattpad rn (not that I'm actually trying tbh) so I'm going to start writing this one now and I'll probably finish and publish this chapter all tonight so yeah

Enjoy :)

Gem's POV

Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no. Why had I just left that note on Ana's bed?

It wasn't different from notes I'd left in the past month, no, but this one felt... More special, more important, somehow. Probably because I felt fine. The notes were for when I needed to be around Ana to get rid of bad feelings. Scary feelings. 

Now though? When I saw Ana, I got rid of one set of scary feelings, and got a new set of scarier feelings. Around Ana, I felt... nervous. Me, Gemini Twain, prefect of freshman year of Shark House, skilled marksman, nervous.

I liked Ana. A lot. I'd written the simple note, something only she would understand, because I wanted to talk to her about how I felt. We had talked about feelings together for the past month, felt so many in the past 2, felt so many of the same feelings, I hoped this would be another that Ana and I shared.

I was regretting the note more and more, the longer I sat in the cave, but there was no way I could take it back. Nelinha had seen me too close to Ana's room for me to be going anywhere else, but thankfully hadn't questioned it. Ana could see it at any second, and it would be worse if she found the note, was on her way to the cave, only to run into me somewhere else. Better to sit in the cave, waiting. Hoping Ana would come soon, but not wanting her to be there.


4 1/2 Hours Later

I had messed up. Big time. What if Ana was too busy? What if she just didn't want to see me? What if she didn't like me back? What if-

I stopped thinking when I saw something shooting towards me, getting bigger by the second. It had a familiar, human form. Ana. I had sat here enough, watching that same figure approach to recognize her by silhouette alone. I steeled my nerves as she approached, hoping I wasn't about to make a huge mistake.


Sorry this one is really short but I wanted to save the next thing for the next chapter and I couldn't really think of much filler for this one so yeah

Um... Hope u enjoyed

Have a nice day, you are awesome, author-y stuff, etc. etc.


Do you like the MCU? If yes, what's the best movie/show/just phase in general?

-UrGenderfluidLesbian, Alex 😗✌️

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