Chapter Two; Meeting Mr. Afton

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Murder of Crows

     I woke up feeling the sun's rays across my face. I felt refreshed for the most part, and surprisingly, my dreams weren't plagued with the events from last night. Right...I just had to remember that.. I could feel a pit form in my stomach, my mood instantly souring at that reminder. Ignored it as best I could, telling myself, lying to myself, it was part of whatever tricks my mind played while in the kitchen. I'd rather be crazy than that to have my 'what-if's be true. I chuckled to myself.
     Stretching my sore body, I got up with optimism for the day. I got into the shower as I was
painfully reminded of the amount of sweat I drenched my uniform in last night. Luckily, I had ordered more than one work uniform so I didn't have to worry about washing it. I turned on the water, feeling it peck my tired body.

     My mind wandered to the events two days ago. My interview with Mr. Emily. I remember he mentioned there was a Co-Owner...Mr. Afton, I believe? No matter, he said I should meet him one of these days, as he is always around. My thoughts went from regretting the awkward responses I gave him, to why I came to Hurricane, Utah, in the first place.
I had lost my job back in my old town, and I had no way to pay my rent. The place was pretty either all the jobs were taken up or they were..a different sort of job. I began to struggle to find a job anywhere, but my parents decided to step in. They're letting me stay with them until I have enough for my own place.

    I was pretty nervous, I admit, when I first came to Hurricane. My parents just recently moved here, but they're already well settled in the neighborhood. Both of them aren't too old yet, so they both still work. I do know my mom owns a small flower shop downtown. I haven't gotten the chance to actually go there myself, but I can't wait for the day I can go. I don't know where my dad works, I'll have to ask him when he gets home.

Today I got the day shift, as promised by Mr. Henry, I sometimes work the day shift, usually every other day. My dayshift runs from 12 P.M. till 7:30 P.M, closing time. On days like today, I don't do my night shift like usual. I did manage to ask him why the schedule was set up like this, in which he replied they were currently understaffed, so I wasn't the only one whose shifts were messed up.

I turned off the water, and dried myself off before getting out of the shower. The (hot or cold) water had done a great job at easing up my muscles, which I was beyond grateful for. Putting on my work uniform which consisted of black dress pants, a purple button-up, and black dress shoes. From there on out, we could wear whatever on top as long as you could see the colour of our shirt somehow, to symbolize we were employees. Since it was a bit cold out, I wore a black loose fitting sweater, then snapped on my name tag.

I made my way down the dark oak stairs, into the kitchen. The kitchen was nice, the entire house was, really. If the walls weren't white, they were a cream colour, or a pastel shade. The Kitchen itself was a very light green, cabinets with the same base colour as the dark oak floors, and a white clean top. There was a small island, surrounded by your regular kitchen attributes.
I prepared (food choice) for lunch, and gabbed (snack) since I would be eating soon, which Mr. Emily mentioned would be around one. Packing up the rest of my things, I made my way to my car, and with 25 minutes, I started my twenty minute drive to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

     As I drove into the parking lot in the back for the pizzeria employees, I noticed just how understaffed Freddy's really was. There were only about eight cars parked. What happened here?
     As I tried my best to convince myself there was absolutely nothing wrong...I couldn't help myself from tying the events from last night to the understaffed situation. Maybe they knew? Maybe I can even ask mom, she says there's nothing you can't hear in a flower shop.

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