Katsuki Bakugou x Reader

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(Background Info: You and Bakugou have been a couple for about 3 years. You started dating before the end of your first year at U.A. It was you who had confessed after Bakugou woke up in a hospital with you sobbing next to him. He had been seriously injured during a villain attack. You both are now Pro Heroes. Him being #2 and you being #4. You both started your own agency together.)

          It was midday when you both were strolling around town and going window shopping. It was Katsuki's idea to take you out on a date after the hectic week you both had. Most days you both came home so exhausted that you both collapsed on the couch. This was the first day in a while that you both had a calming day. Katsuki looked down at you, his arm around your shoulder, keeping you close. Not to mention, it would tell other extras to back off and that you were his. Your hair was pulled back and hanging through a "Ground Zero" cap you bought that day. You had on a loose top that showed a little bit of your stomach and shoulders. Your jeans were pulled over your sneakers.  

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          All of sudden, you are yanked into the air by something. "Gah! What the!?" You were thrown into a building and you broke through the glass. You jump back up onto your feet and run to the edge of the window. You grab your side in pain. Looking down at your hand you can see a streak of blood. You must've cut yourself on some broken glass. You look around to see Bakugou and the villain fighting. You set your mind straight and evacuated all the civilians from the building you crashed into. Jumping out of the window you use your quirk to land safely on the ground. Bakugou already looks beaten up but he seems to show no signs of pain. You know that it's just the adrenaline though.

          You begin evacuating the rest of the civilians on the ground, making sure that no one gets hurt. When you turn around you see that Bakugou has pinned them against a building. The villain uses their gadgets to continue battling. You rush over to help Bakugou. The villain notices you and realizes that you and Bakugou have some emotional connection. She then uses her robotic arm to grab you by your throat. She picks you up and you grasp the villain's arm. You begin gasping for air. Bakugou breaks off the arm grasping you. He begins pounding the villain in the face. You get up and stumble over to Bakugou. You pull him off and the villain passes out. You look at his face. His eyes are bloodshot red and he has a massive gash on the right side of his face. His shirt has been practically torn off and he has holes in the sides of his pants. He is panting heavily. You kiss his cheek and run over to arrest the villain. 

           You call the police and ambulance to come and take the villain away and help with all the injuries. You hang up and turn back to Bakugou. His back is still to you. He's swaying and panting. You walk over to him and place a hand on his back. You stop before him and place your other hand on his cheek. "Baby? Are you alright?" A look of worry is expressed on your face. Suddenly, Bakugou collapses into your arms. "Katsuki?! No no no no..." You lay him down on the ground. You rip the bottom of your pants and use it as a cloth to stop the bleeding from his head. You lift his legs up to keep the blood flow to his head. You check his pulse. "Ok, good. He's still alive." You sigh in relief. The ambulance and police sirens could be heard approaching fast. You waved them down and usher them toward your boyfriend and the villain. 

          The police took the villain and the ambulance took you and your boyfriend. You informed them about the injuries and everything that had happened. One of the nurses in the car tended to your wound on your side while the others operated on Bakugou. Once you had arrived at the hospital, Bakugou was rushed into the operating room and you were only rushed to a bed where they began stitching up your wound. You woke up in a hospital bed a few hours later. You began remembering what happened during the attack. You flung your feet over the bed and stood up. You lean back sitting on the bed, getting a head rush from standing up too fast. You shook your head, stood back up, and ran around to find a nurse. Once you found someone, you asked them where Katsuki Bakugou was. They pointed you to his room and you took off. Once you got there, you saw him lying on his bed and a doctor was checking his vitals. 

          "How is he?! Is he going to be ok!?" You caught the doctor off guard. "He's doing just fine. He's currently resting. He should wake up sometime this week." You felt tears sting your eyes. Not so much sadness, you were just happy he was alright. The doctor walked past you. You walked over to the chair next to your boyfriend's bed. You stayed with him until he woke up four days later. You were holding his hand, gently rubbing circles in his palm. Your head rested on your other hand while you were lost in thought, staring at your hands intertwined. The sound of a grunt and the feeling of a slight tightening around your hand broke you out of your trance. "Katsuki...?!" You let out a breathy sigh of relief. You stood up, lifting your head from your hand. "Katsuki, can you hear me?" 

          You placed your free hand on his cheek and gently moved his head to face you. You watched as Katsuki's eyes flickered open. "Ngh..." Katsuki squinted his eyes and brought up his free hand to his head. When he opened his eyes fully, he focused on your face. Your face was stained with tears and your eyes were puffy. Your eyes began watering up with tears of joy. Under your eyes were tinted red and black from the combination of a lack of sleep and the rubbing of your eyes. You weren't the best looking at the moment but, to Bakugou, you were just as beautiful to him as ever. He let out a short breath. "Teddy bear?" He picked up his hand and brushed your face. Tears were dripping out by now. "Heh. Yeah, baby. It's me." You smiled as you kissed his forehead.

          After a few weeks, Bakugou was let go from the hospital. He had made it clear that he was fine and he could've (and should've) been let out sooner. A few days after being let out, Bakugou returned to work and things went back to almost normal. Bakugou had seemed to be a little more distant. He had stopped spending as much money on you. It wouldn't have bothered you that much but he also stopped spending that much time with you. You had your suspicions but you didn't want to believe them. You became even more concerned when you saw that $10,000 had been removed from your shared bank account. You had enough. When Bakugou came home that day, you stormed up to him, tears stinging your eyes, shouting at him. "What the hell is going on with you!? You've changed since the villain attack! Did I do something wrong?!" You fell speechless when you saw your boyfriend get down on his knee and pull out a ring. 

          "Will you be quiet for one second so I can ask your dumbass to marry me?" Your hands cupped your mouth, shutting you up immediately. "Wh-what...?" Bakugou got up and pulled you to him by your waist. "I'm sorry I've been acting strange. I was taking extra work so I could earn more money. Because of this, I was more worn out but I saved up for this ring to marry your dumb ass." You began to cry. You had never expected this to be the reason your boyfriend was so odd. "Well? Teddy bear? I'm waiting for your answer." You pulled him into a kiss as you felt warm tears fall out of your eyes. "Yes! Of course, I'll marry you!" Bakugou slid the ring on your finger and cupped your face. He pulled you in. He kissed your forehead and you felt something fall onto your head. You looked up to see tears fall from his face as well. The two of you smile and cuddle for the rest of the night. You could not be happier. 

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