20 || Highschool Sweethearts

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[ - jihoon lee - ]

Time passes by rather quickly. About 2 years have passed and nothing out of the ordinary happened. All of us are happy with our lives and of course, she is too. She's currently dating Jeongguk and seemed really really happy

I don't want to disturb her since y'know, she's not mine. She won't be anytime soon so I don't think I should pry into her business or whatsoever. I'm just genuinely happy that she is too

I really hope that, they'd ended up marrying each other so I could be at peace

I mean... Before she dated Jeongguk, she did date about two times ??? And of course, they were snatched away by non other than the infamous Ella Kim

Her obsession of wanting to bring down Sooyoung is no joke and honestly even I'm tired of it. I seriously hope it wouldn't be like that again for her. I mean, yeah it's still early for her to get married and all but her mother is, y'know, complicated.

I guess I could only pray for her

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