A kiss will solve everything?

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We got back to his house and he was so cute in his baggy clothes I realised that I had to tell him I loved him i mean who wouldn't love him because I can't resist looking at his dreamy eyes and his scruffy looking hair oh this was the time to tell him so I went into Hiros room he was hiding something I wondered what but I said Hiro it's almost like you've been ignoring me what have I done wrong? he still didnt reply as I was about to give up I turned round held his face and kissed him on the lips they were so soft as I carefully leaned away I said please hiro I love you in a kind voice but he yelled at me and told me to get out so loud I ran down the stairs crying harder than ever before why would he do this to me? what have I done wrong?

Crazy Bout YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora