Chapter 1

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Sighing for about the one hundreth time, Gemma looked out the Bullet Trains window as she stared at Tokyo's scenery, flashing before her eyes. She used to love this; Travelling the world, Being showered with luxurious gifts by... him.

Shifting her eyes, Gemma stared at the man that had allowed her to experience the world. His black hair had fallen in his face as his alluring green eyes were fixated on the piece of paper he was reading. Based on the look of concentration, Gemma discerned that he was dealing with a rather serious business deal. But then again, When was he not? Propping her legs up on the seat, Gemma let out another sigh as she shifted back towards the window and stared aimlessly at the views Tokyo had to offer. 

"What's wrong, Gemma?"

Startled, Gemma turned to Adam "Nothing"

"Don't give me that Gem, I know when you're getting antsy. Tell me" 

Gemma smiled at his unbelievable ability to read people. It shouldn't really suprise her considering that he is the owner of the successful lingerie line, Desire. At 20 years of age, Adam established his fashion line and within a year, he rose to fame as the hottest new talent. His ability to read people was a big attribute in his rise to fame, along with his good looks. 8 years on and Adam is still one of the most sought out bachelor's in the world, being in the various magazines "Top 10 Hottest Males of All Time" for seven years in a row. 

Refusing to reply to him, Gemma decided to close her eyes, hoping that Adam would let it be. She was an idiot to believe that he would let it drop. Being the persistent male that he is, Adam walked over to Gemma and stood before her. Peeping one eye open, Gemma marvelled at how handsome Adam was. Standing at 6ft4, Adam wore a slimming navy blue suit, white shirt and black tie. Even though he was covered up, Any person could tell that Adam had a stack of muscle, in all the right places. Gemma's mouth watered at how good he looked. It just wasn't fair for someone to be that hot. 

Raising his eyebrow, Adam stared at Gemma expectantly.

"I'm just tired and can't be bothered going through tonight's fashion show", Gemma blurted out quickly, knowing in that one look, Adam wanted an answer. Just because he wanted an answer, it didn't necessarily mean that Gemma was going to give him an honest answer.

Sighing, Adam brushed his locks out of his face and plopped down next to Gemma, putting a hand on her thigh. Gemma's heart skipped and she became short of breath at the casual placement of Adam's hand. He had no idea what this did to her. It drove her insane with her need for him. But he would never know that. He could never know. 

"I know Gem, I wish we could just go back to our hotel room and have a quiet night but you know our schedule is hectic. This fashion show is so important for Desire, we will showcase our latest lingerie line in front of many important clients." I rolled my eyes, I'd heard this so many times before. Why is he repeating it? "I need you looking fresh, amazing and have that winning smile ready for the clients. We need to win them over tonight, and with your charm I think we can do it."

Ah, and just when I thought he was giving me a compliment, he had to ruin it by bringing business into it. Typical. Squashing my hurt feelings, I produced him with a fake smile, "I know I know, I have to be on the ball tonight so that you get more clients and spread your business to the Asian market." 

Grinning, Adam stood up and before returning to his work, he said "Thanks Gem, I knew I could count on you. Those looks do come in handy." 

Squashing my disappointment, I gave him another fake smile and turned my attention yet again to the view outside my window. 'Those looks do come in handy', Recalling his words made my eyes water. I refused to cry though. I refused for him to see my tears. He's only ever seen me as a pawn in his business deals. A pawn that can flash a smile at a client and make them willingly accept whatever business proposition Adam has made. He'll never know this pawn has feelings for him - has had them for the past 4 years of her life. Ever since he met her in her dire situation at the age of 21, Gemma has grown attached to Adam. 

However, he would never feel the same way about her. Their relationship is purely based on appearance and money. She helps with his publicity and business deals, and he allows her to travel the world and live a luxurious life.

Nothing more, Nothing Less.

After all, She's just his acquaintance. 


Hi, I wrote a story on Wattpad a while ago but didn't like it that much. I just thought of this idea and just decided to write it. I know it's not very long, but I will get into the story more and write longer chapters, was just putting this up to see if any one was interested in it :) 

I plan for the story to become quite graphic in terms of sexual content, because, well, who doesn't like a bit of kink in their story? ;) 

Please Comment/Vote/Fan if you like this, I will never know if this story is worth continuing if you don't give me feedback, so it would be much appreciated :) 

Much love,

Howlinforyou x

His AcquaintanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora