Chapter 2.

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You want to know what bothers me the most about waking up in the morning. It’s when there’s a cancelation, and you’re all ready to go. What do you know—that’s what happened the first day back from summer break! I mean, I guess it can be a good thing so I can go shopping with Laura, and maybe Luke? But I don’t think he will come—he always runs when we go to the mall. Which is understandable since he’s a guy and all.

            So I called up Laura and asked her if she wanted to go to the mall and get some things. “Yeah, that sounds good to me. Were going to Pacsun because there having an amazing sale!” she said, all excited.

 “Yeah. Then maybe we can go to Victoria Secret. I’m running low on perfume and lip gloss.” I said.

 “Alright, I will be there in 15! I have to take Luke to work.” She said.


Yeah… she said she has to take Luke to work. He would usually take him self but, lets just say when you go 75 when its suppose to be 50 you get in trouble.

So, when I was walking up the stairs to my room, my annoying mom has to say “Honey where are you going?”

“To my room?” I said.

“Oh. I was wondering if you would take Char--”

 “NOOO WAY!” I cut her off. “I took him two days ago and there are still grease marks on my seat.” That’s what I get when I can drive. I have to take my stupid brother to McDonalds, why? Because he’s the baby—I get so frustrated.

“Well then. I’m sorry I asked.” She said in that sad voice.

 “Yeah,” I answered, and then I walked up stairs to get ready. I heard “Beep beep” a few minutes later—it was Laura. I grabbed my purse and went down the stairs, shouting, “Bye mom I’ll be back in a little.”

 “Bye. Love you,” she said, all sweet.

“Um, yeah you to,” I said, and then went out the door.

            Laura’s car isn’t the neatest but it got the job done. I love her music. It’s so random I love it. As usual she played Elvis Presley. I love him and so does she. “So what are we going to eat when we get there?” she asked.

“Um, well I am in the mood for Chickfilea,” I said back.

 “Mhm…that does sound good. We’ll do that.” When we got there it was raining, so it’s a good thing that we brought our umbrellas. We were on our way to the door and—what do you know—I tripped and fell into a stupid pot hole. It was terrible! I was all wet and nasty. Laura made a little giggle and I glared at her and she stopped.

 “You’re so clumsy. I love it,” she said laughing.

 “At least one person enjoyed it. I’m glad I brought joy to your day.” I said sarcastically. We walked into the food court and, what do you know, (I seemed to be saying that a lot) the two people that just had to be there were. Kristen and Zoe.

 “Well looked what the cat dragged in.” Kristen said.

 “Through the puddle perhaps?” Zoe said. They both started laughing. Laura butted in and said:

 “First of all it was a POTHOLE.  So get your facts straight.”  I saw a drink right there in front of me. A choice, I could make them look miserable too, or I could just walk away. I keep on looking up and down, then I said heck with it. I grabbed the drink and just dumped it on both of them.

“Looks like you had a trip your self.” Of course laughing ensued. Then Laura said the most stupid thing. “Bam! How do you like those apples? You don’t, do yah?” They just glared at us and screeched. It was hilarious.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2011 ⏰

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