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"Why is James spelt with a s.
Why is it plural. More then one jame. How many James?" Sirius asked.

"Go to sleep sirus."

"Answer my question."

"Because that's how its spelt."

"But why?"

"I swear to merlins shut up or sleep."



"Both shut up."

"Oh moony your no fun." Sirus scoffed.


"What's up moony?"

"I'm tired and you're both inbiciles, mainly sirus."

"Aww thanks remus I love you too."

They all fell asleep

"Get up moons and prongs."

"It the weekend padfoot shut the hell up."


"Your annoying."

"Thanks prongs."

"I swear shut up or ill kill you and blame it on lily."

"You would blame it on lily?"

"Yes I would James ."


"Shushuth, since when do you say that remus.

"Since now."

"Actually moony I've heard you tell lilly to shushuth."

"Well Shushuth, please for the sake of me not going crazy."

"Sirius you know one day you could be a dad and your kids or kid could call you dadfoot."

"That would be perfect."

"If I have a kid I'm telling him to call you dadfoot."

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