Chapter 17 Movement

Start from the beginning

"A lie to protect the good of the people and their happiness."

Kallen looked at the final words of the decree for a moment before turning away.

"Let's go."

They headed towards the ferry, Kallen once more placed her trust in a lie.

<Streets of Paris>

People parted as a stocky tall man walked against the crowd. Fear was a most powerful tool and the man certainly knew how to make use of it. Promised favors, the use of his family name, and brutality were all employed to finally separate himself from the family. Marcus Apocalypse was a man whose ambition had no equal. His lust for power was even stronger than that of the Overseer's.

His own organization would soon form and he would spend his next years cultivating it. He desired the Overseer's position but knew he could never gain its power without becoming a puppet master. He needed to lay low now.

He spied, a malnourished family happily exciting that damned establishment. 'Ha family,' He thought. 'Nothing is stronger than family.'

A small bump from behind sent Marcus one step forward.

"Ah sorry, sir!"

He turned around ready to unleash his wrath but stopped short upon discovering a sickly blind woman. 'No girl, she doesn't seem to be too old.'

"It's alright if mistakes happen."

"Right, uh thank you, sir!" She didn't fear him.

"Have I met you before?"


"Have we met?"

"No, I don't believe so."

Marcus looked down at her cane.

"May I ask your name?"

"It's Clarissa sir."

"Mine's Marcus. Are you perhaps heading to the soup kitchen?"

"Yes, my father works there."

"Oh, I see then allow this gentleman to escort you through the door."

"You don't have to trouble yourself, sir."

"I insist."

With those words Clarissa conceded. Marcus took her hand and carefully guided her footsteps across the uneven cobblestone streets.

"Thank you, sir, I'll remember this kindness."

"No need, I'm just doing what a gentleman should do," Marcus replied coolly.

He left without saying goodbye, he had other errands to attend to.

<Burrus Family Teaparty>

Posh, pretentious, and wasteful were the best words that describe the event occurring before her eyes. Adrienne was dressed in a beautifully expensive gown. Her sister Joy insisted that Adrienne should wear it to the event. It was tight and uncomfortable, Adrienne made a mental note to punish her sister sometime later.

As to why she was at a tea party, well she was there to make friends and learn new things. She wanted to understand the new emotions that popped up in her life.

"Such a shame, elegant, and strong yet no good bone in his body."

"Shush, we can't judge such a man." The lady's eyes briefly flicked towards a certain lady in the room.

"I'm sorry, do feel free to forgive me."

"The moments already passed you two, let's move on to another. Lady Adrienne, do you have anyone who strikes your fancy?"

"Lady Camilla if I may be so bold as to scold you for asking such a thing?"

"The question has no issues, let Lady Adrienne answer it." A dreamy voice spoke. The ladies sitting lounging in a circle went silent. The speaker was none other than Risa Apocalypse. Only Adrienne and Camila didn't shudder as she spoke. Adrienne was the Lance while Camila was the host of the party. Daughter of the Burrus Family, the most powerful noble family in France.

"If she could please," Camilla said. Forcing a smile in Risa's direction.

Adrienne maintained a poker face but, inside she was nervous. Her red eyes drifted around the ladies in the room and her hard expression made them want to apologize for their anticipation.

"I've had a marriage proposal." Adrienne finally said stunning the entire room save for Risa. Who would be so bold to tame the Raging Passion of Paris? "He's quite interesting." The world was going mad inside the minds of the ladies who loved to gossip. Adrienne had never complimented a man before, though they didn't interact with her much if at all they knew of her scary reputation. Men who tried to woo her came back husks of their former selves. Her brutally honest tongue exposed all their flaws. She was unintentionally Paris's judging standard for men. Those she gave less critique about were desired.

"Lady Adrienne, what kind of man could catch your eye?"

"His name, what's his name?"

The noble ladies forgot their manners and began to eagerly question Adrienne who remained stone-faced. On the inside, her heart was beating rapidly. Risa hid a smirk.

"Frederick Kaslana."
"Oh a Kaslana!"

"They do indeed produce the best men."

"All trained from birth to be strong."

"Handsome too!"

"It's a suitable match!"

"Ahem!" Risa said. The ladies shut up.

"Forgive me Adrienne but I believe you chose an excellent partner. It's such a shame that he left me to hang on our first outing together."

'Rivalry? Jealous?' The two most beautiful women in Paris were fighting over a man. The standing of Frederick Kaslana rose in the minds of the ladies. What a man he must be. Before Adrienne could respond a knock on the door interrupted the tea party as a servant carried a letter addressed to Camilla. Though initially annoyed, Camilla's expression changed drastically.

"I"m sorry my ladies but unfortunately, I have to close this enjoyable chat of ours."

A quick round of goodbyes soon ensued, directing the ladies out of the Burrus Family Mansion. Risa dropped a crumpled piece of paper as she left. No one took notice of it, except for the servant that came delivering the letter addressed to Camilla. He swiftly picked it up and pocketed it before tidying the room.


A cool river breeze wafted on the deck of the ferry. Otto and Kallen leaned over the rail observing the passing water below.

"Look, look there's a big one."

"Yes, it's massive," Otto said, staring into the empty clear water.

"What are you thinking about?"

Kallen turned to face, she laid her head against her crisscrossed arms that rested upon the rail.

"It's nothing," Otto said.

He forced a smile, while Kallen observed his new look. Glasses suited Otto but his black hair didn't. Combined with his poison green eyes, Otto's appearance was similar to that of a viper. But underneath it all, she could see the boy she grew up with. 'He's there, always has been, I thought I lost him. That he was different from what I knew. But I thought wrong. He always hid too much behind that fake smile of his.'

"Oh really?"


"It's ok to have secrets but please don't hide too much from me. I'll always be here to help you. I promise."

Otto's eyes lit up for a brief moment before he leaned in and brushed Kallen's brown hair aside. A instinctual kiss graced her smooth forehead. Sending shockwaves rippling through Kallen's body. A bright, genuine smile turned the wig's black hair golden, taking up Kallen's vision. Her heart began to beat faster.

"I know and I can't thank you enough for that."

Kallen's face was tinted red. 'That's cheating.' Kallen decided not to push him any further. 'That smile, when was the last time he showed me such a smile?'

Honkai Impact 3rd: Don't Die For Me/ Book 1: PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now