Chapter Five

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It's been a few weeks since my last encounter with Octavius. His voice was always in my head. Him telling me 'no one will touch me'. Why did he want to protect me? Or was he waiting to kidnap me?

Whatever it was, I tried my best to forget it. Some of the customers at the bar would show me the Daily Bugle of "DOC OCK" and his shenanigans. I would just brush it off and tell them to not read too much into it. A villain is a villain.

"(Y/n) can I get a refill?" A regular asked across the bar top.

"Yeah of course!" I quickly filled a different glass and handed it to him while taking the other glass and cleaning it.

"You know, (y/n), you are always working. You need a vacation." He proposed the idea before downing his refill.

I laughed it off before wiping my hands on my jeans and stealing a peanut from the dish. "I like working. I get to see you all and I get free food. It's a win-win for me."

He scoffed before leaving a fifty on the bar. "Yeah yeah just don't overwork hun. You're too young."

I rolled my eyes and thanked him for the money. Manny came down from his office, checking the clock.

"You know we are closed now?" He spoke firmly before pulling his coat on and started walking to the door. "Hurry and get home. I don't need any employees losing sleep."

He walked out of the door before I could say anything back. I rolled my eyes and started cleaning up the bar. I tried to clean as slow as possible, wanting to get even the smallest chance to see Octavius. Even if it was only for a second, I also wanted to slap him for making me an accomplice and ditching.

An hour of cleaning everything twice, it wasn't worth waiting anymore. He wouldn't come back. Why would he? He was a criminal.

As if on cue, the front bell went off like crazy. My eyes averted to the door, seeing him there. But he was hunched over, blood coming from his torso, his glasses no wear to be found. His hair matted and sweat beaded down his face.

I grabbed the first aid kit and ran to him. His actuators made a growling sound before realizing I am helping. I wrapped Octavius's arm around my shoulders and guided him to the booth he used to sit in. He sat with a thud and I quickly got to work.

I gently pushed his coat off his arm and saw a medium size cut with glass in it. "What in the world happened to you?"

I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and set it on the table. An actuator started pulling the glass out as Octavius took a swig from the bottle.

"Someone didn't like what I had to say-OW!" He growled as one of the actuators tried to attack me.

I held my hand out while the other took the bottle and poured the whiskey on his cut. Another whine came out of him. I looked up to him and winced.

"I'm sorry, it's almost over Otto." I gently dabbed the cut with a rag before placing bandages on his side.

I rubbed the plastic with my thumb before sighing. His torso looked so much worse since last time. The bruising and now the cut. He looked to be in so much pain.

Octavius watched me rub his cut, not knowing how to feel about the simple touch. He was having a hard time trying to find words. He usually tries to flirt and be as intimidating as possible, but he was so vulnerable in this woman's arms. His heart beated a single beat faster.

Mo felt the heartbeat and quickly hugged me in a tight embrace. I giggled as he rubbed against my torso. "Yeah he will be okay." I petted the top of it's claw, glancing at a confused Octavius.

My cheeks turned pink as I removed my hands from his torso and his actuator. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

His eyes were soft, not dark and barricaded. His expression was between soft and trying to act hard. What was going on inside his head.

"I'm fine, I'll clean up the mess." He said sternly and his actuators cleaned up the glass, med kit, and bottle. They quickly retracted back to Octavius.

I washed my hands before wiping them on my jeans. I sat across from him, trying to find some sort of sign that he is genuinely okay.

"Are you thirsty?" I asked him nonchalantly, trying to distract him from his head.

He turned his head, his expression soft and warm. "Why yes, I'm thirsty."

"Fresh or salt water?" I asked, trying to sustain a laugh. I held a hand in front of my mouth to try and quiet my muffled laughs.

Octavius had a confused look on his face, trying to understand what I said. "What?"

I snorted before getting up and rushing to the bar to get him a glass of water. I toned down my laugh before I offend him, but the joke was so worth it. "Because your Doctor Octopus." I snorted again before handing him his water.

It was his turn to chuckle. His smile was sincere, not forced. "You're comedic."

"It was a great joke." I said, wiping fake tears from my eyes.

Octavius drank his water, looking between the glass and the table. I set my arms on the table, leaning my head on my arms. His hair looked so matted and his skin looked dirty from machine oil and wire stains. Did this man ever get time for himself?

After a while, he had his actuators clean the glass and he was standing up. I yawned as I stood up and grabbed my belongings. My windbreaker kept me warm, even though making eye contact with Octavius made me hot and flustered.

He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it, as he usually did. "We have to stop meeting like this my dear." He spoke with a tinge of sadness. As if he didn't want to stop seeing each other.

I nodded, "You need to take care of yourself. Look good the next time the bugle gets your photo." I teased, earning a light chuckle from Octavius.

"Goodnight (y/n)."

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