Part 3

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I was trying to think of a good ending to the story. Unsurprisingly though, I thought of nothing. I looked at Ollie and Delilah for any reaction but they were sleeping. Then I heard it. Jessica's scream.
"Jessica, can you shut up?!" I yelled. I really didn't need this right now.
"Mort, HELP!!" She shrieked back. I could hear Daniel screaming too now, I had to investigate, as much as I'd rather close the 'Secret Window', that Amy was first to discover, and put my headphones on and ignore it I couldn't. There was a force, pulling me towards the sound.
"Guess I'll finish this later, then." I sighed knowing that I probably wouldn't.
I opened the door and went outside, I didn't see anyone at first. Then I heard the Southern voice.
"Maybe you should look at the other side of the house, Mr Rainey..." Shooter hinted. I did as he said and muttering.
"Whatever you're doing Shooter I-" I gasped, Shooter was standing there, with a shovel over Daniel, Jessica was screaming, obviously injured. I had to try and stop him, as much as I despise them both I couldn't just stand there like an idiot.
"Do you really want me to stop, Mr Rainey...?" The southern voice sounded... different...
"Why in the hell wouldn't I?! You're a MURDERER!" I screamed.
Shooter was tired of waiting, I could see it in the way he stood, he still hadn't turned around, for whatever reason... but I guess he knew I'd smash his face in if he did. He raised the shovel and I braced myself for the painful noises I was about to hear. The shovel met Daniels face and he struggled no more.
"DANIEL!!!" Jessica screeched. It was one of the worst sounds I'd ever heard. I decided to just hope for the best as I ran towards Shooter but I froze in terror, because when Shooter turned around, all I saw was a mirror, reflecting my own face...
I yelled.
"Why are you hiding from the truth Mort?" My reflection asked me, it then hit me in the face and I fell to the ground, unconscious. The last thing I heard was "You've chosen to ignore this. There's still time to change..." before I felt the shovel dig forcefully into my flesh...


I woke up in a sweat.

'Thank god, it was only a dream...'  I thought. I also wondered if the dream had any meaning but I pushed that thought to the back of my mind, after all, it was only a dream, right...?

The next morning I added another chapter to my story, still paranoid of the fact that Jessica and Daniel might be dead. I decided after I had my daily ear of corn, I'd swing by, as little as I'd like to. I only have to look, I don't need to knock on their door. Hopefully.
I'd just finished the corn when suddenly I had a searing pain in my jaw. "Dammit. I thought I'd straightened it all out." I cracked my jaw, for the first time in 2 or 3 years. I guess these things don't just go away. I don't know where the braces are, I shouldn't have taken them out, I still needed them. 'Oh well I don't even care anymore.'  I thought to myself. I just want to make sure nothing bad has happened to Jessica and Daniel.

When I got there everything seemed to be fine. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, I saw Jessica and Daniel drive after the moving van. I hated to admit it but it hurt, seeing that Jessica had no remorse. I drove home.

Later on, as I was thinking up some more to the story. I read it out to my two pets, knowing it would be greeted with nothing but blank stares.

"'Todd Downey thought he had left this life behind him, he thought he was back on track. But he was betrayed again. He was right, a woman could  steal your love. So he killed her. He buried this one in his secret garden, with his first love. He realised that no medication he took would make the anger and pain and hatred go away, so he decided to take something else. His life.' How was that?" I sighed and didn't need an opinion, knowing that I had to get rid of that. "I can't just kill him..." I puffed and deleted the paragraph. Then I heard the door.

I got up and answered the door, only to be met by Shooter.


"What can I do for you today, Mr Shooter?" I faked the welcoming tone of my voice.

"Nothing, just thought I'd give you a lil' friendly advice, writer to writer." The southern voice answered.

I took a long breath. "And what would that be...?"

"Well firstly, it would be do not kill Todd Downey. That - and I'm sure even a big money scribblin' asshole like you would realise this - that is the worst possible ending."

"How in the hell do you know about-" I started

"And secondly," Shooter interrupted. "answer that goddamn phone. It's not surprising you can't think of a good story when you have that noise in the background."

"What phone call, you idiot there's no..." I paused. I could hear it too.

"Could be important..." John Shooter said. "I'll leave you to answer that. Good evening to you, Mr Rainey." He walked off as I closed the door. I rushed to the phone and picked it up.


"Is this Mr Rainey?" An unfamiliar yet professional sounding voice answered.

"Yes, who is this?"

"Miss Jessica Brown and Mr Daniel Walker were in a tragic accident earlier today."

My voice shook. "Are they... did they make it through?" 

"Luckily yes, though the driver of the moving van they crashed into is in a coma. And Miss Brown and Mr Walker have just woken up, they can't remember what happened leading up to the crash. I'll explain more of the details if you are able to come in to the hospital."

"O-of course I am, I'll leave now." The phone call ended.

'Crap.'  Is all I thought as I sped out of my driveway and down to the hospital.

Sorry it's been a while, I took a while to come up with all this, it probably took longer than it should have... Hope you like this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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