
"CHRES!!!!!!!!!!!!", Ava yelled from the bedroom.

I ran up there thinking something was wrong but when i opened the door, she was sitting on the bed with a huge smile on her face and something in her hand.

"So I went t the doctor because I've been feeling sick and i thought it had to do with what happened and stuff but it wasn't so they did these tests to see what was wrong so they made me pee-"

"Ava can you just get to the point", I interrupted her rambling.

"IM PREGNANT!", she yelled happily. "AND ITS A GIRL!!"

"Pregnant? What? Yore pregnant? How did you not know??", I asked.

"Because I wasn't having the symptoms I had with Cayson and I just thought it was the medicine making me feel all weird. Aren't you happy?"

"No Im not happy", I said and her face dropped."Im more than that, baby. Im so much more than happy!", I said lifting her up off the bed.

She laughed as she hugged me and planted a kiss right on my lips.

"EW. no kissing!", I heard Cayson say."Cayson! Guess what?!", Ava said letting go of me and bending down to Caysons level. "Youre going to have a little sister!"

"My own sister?!", he said jumping around. "I get a baby sister?"

"Yes baby. Your own little sister."*

That's when we decided to move out of the house we were in now. We moved to a suburban area. Our house was pretty big. 2 floors, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, garage, backyard. She thought it was perfect. Then 6 years later, we decided we wanted another kid and we got more then we expected.

"What are you thinking about?", Ava asked.

"Just thinking about how we are now, our kids.", I said.

"Oh... you want another one?"

"NO!", i said too quickly. "I mean no. I think we're good. We have four kids already. That's enough."

She laughed,"Yeah it is. Im going to make dinner. What do you want me to cook?"

"Chicken tacos sound good right now", I insisted, my mouth already watering at the thought of it. She makes the best chicken tacos.

"Got it."

As she was leaving, I heard the twins yelling at each other in their room.

"Hey hey he whats going on!", I said while walking into the room. "You know I don't allow yelling in my house."

"Chance is acting like a baby. Its so annoying.", said Chase.

"I'm not a baby! Stop calling me that. I'm older than you", Chance whined.

"Who cares. You don't act like it."

I sat down on one of the beds and told them to sit down on the other.

"Now you guys are brothers. I understand if one annoys the other and vice versa but you need to look out for each other. Stop talking like you guys hate each other.", i said.

"Well tell him to stop annoying me and maybe I'll be nice to him.", said Chase.

"But that's not fair. I'm nice to you all the time. Even when you're mean to me. I don't call you names like you do to me", Chance said looking down and playing with his fingers.

"That's true, Chase. You're mean to him all the time. Whats going to happen in the future? Jordan and Cayson will have their own family. You two will be the only ones here with us. You need to learn how to get along. I know that you have anger problems, trust me, mines were way worse. I know how it feels but you need to get it together or there will be consequences. Im not going to deal with you and your brothers nonsense for the next 10 years.", I explained to him.

"And Chance, you need to stop being s whiny all the time. That never solves anything. If you want to act like a baby, I will treat you like one. Do you understand?"

"Yes daddy."

"What about you Chase?"

"I understand."

I stood up and clapped my hands together,"So I just bought a new race car game and your mom is making chicken tacos. Lets go downstairs."

Once we were downstairs, I saw Jordan and Cayson playing the game already. "Cayson i thought you were going?"

"I was but Jordan told me mom was making chicken tacos and I cant miss that", he laughed. "You guys gonna play?"

"Yeah we are. Move over", I smiled and all of us grabbed a controller.

I felt the cushion sink in next to me to see Ava sitting there with a controller in her hand. I raised my eyebrow at her and laughed.

"Mom! I thought you were making the tacos", Jordan said when she noticed Ava sitting next to me.

"I cant just play one round with you guys?"

"Yeah let her play with us so I can beat her!", Chance yelled.

Everyone was laughing, talking, and making jokes as we played.

After all the things that me and Ava have went through, I wouldn't change a thing. If I did, I wouldn't have what I have been wanting all my life. A perfect family and a loving wife.

Every story has an end but in life, every end is a newbeginning.


Comment what you guys thought andThank you guys for reading and being sooo patient with the long waits. But the story is done and it was a happy ending yay! I'm still amazed that the first book got 1 million reads and this story is halfway there so thank you again. Ill be writing another book as soon as I thoroughly think it through. THANK YOU xx

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