And he was going to speak, if it wasn't for Ricky in the kitchen a few feet away from us chomping down on some spring rolls saying, "Yep! She hates your guts!"

Cliff sputtered out a breath, "Ricky, not helping!"

He only shrugged, "I grew up with 3 sisters, and shared a room with two of them. If they decline the call, they're angry to a point where they don't even want to talk about why they're angry-"

"Or." Cliff graciously interrupted, "She's a cop and is on duty and wasn't able to call. Did you try texting her?"

Eyes staring up at the ceiling, I showed him our texts. "21 times over the past few days. Nada." I dropped it on my chest.

"Yikes. That's not good." He muttered.

I groaned but ultimately sat up, "Sorry, I'm just being a baby. I'll sort it out on my own" I fixed my posture, not wanting to feel like I'm just complaining about everything.

But this has never happened before. Lili has been my rock. Even after being released from her duty to watch me, she continued to stick by my side. She didn't have to, but she did. And the thought of that changing made my stomach hurt and my head dizzy.

In fact, the thought of anyone leaving me made me scared. I don't have many people anymore, no one who I know cares about me at least. So I try my best to stay on everyone's good side, unless deemed impossible.

I mean when your job is to steal, fraud, and sometimes hurt people, you can't always think about others' feelings.

But my relationship with Lili is a prime example of what not to do when you have a fear of abandonment issue. Lie.

"She'll come around," Cliff reassured.

"Unless she doesn't." Ricky snorted.

"Okay, do you want me to hit you? Cause that's kind of the vibe I'm getting right now." Cliff animated with his hands.

Ricky only shrugged.

"I need to cool off." I sighed, standing up and leaving the room. I climbed to the 3rd floor, the gym/training floor that housed a couple of fun toys to exercise with. But I went with my favorite, of course, boxing.

I was thankfully in sweats and a white tank top so I pulled my hair back into a low pony and put some hand wrap on my knuckles. I loved boxing more than any other form of exercise. Mostly because it involved punching and overall was quite peaceful. Especially when you've put headphones in and just envelope yourself into a trance of mindless hits and jabs.

As I approached the punching bag, I heard the clink of weights and soft grunts from a little bit away. I stopped my slow walk and turned my chin to see Lucas lifting weights. It wasn't very bright in here, but telling by the sweat glistening on his bare chest he had been here a while.

I stuck my phone in the side pocket of my bra and stuck my headphones in my ear, eyes still glued to Lucas until I forced them away. He didn't know I wasn't here and I was okay with that.

I got a couple of good hits in, Channeling my anger and confusion into each punch. I almost forgot there was anyone else in the room with me I got so heated. It was easier to hit a bag full of sand rather than face my emotions.

I mean what emotions? I don't even know how to feel about anything anymore.

A few more hard punches to the bag and I disregarded the thought.

"One thing at a time," I told myself.

I couldn't be worrying about Lili when I had bigger things on my plate.

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