In the end, she gently patted the eldest son's head like she did when he was a child. Now her son was so high up that his mother was almost out of his reach. However, he didn't no matter how much he has grown, in the eyes of a mother she still saw her son as a child.

"Mom says it like she's going to let me have a girlfriend."

"Or is there no son of mine with a face as beautiful as Mangkorn's, yet I think the girls must be flirting with you?"

"What's wrong? You'll have time to watch more." In fact, in Namkang's life, there are also men and women reaching out to him. But because so much of his life has been spent taking care of Namtarn before he entered his teens until now. Where could he find time to find that person. And it's the reason he's still single to this day, and doesn't have a girlfriend, even a person to talk to.

"Then hurry up and find out. Mom will wait and see how cute your girlfriend will be." After all, the mistress of the house immediately turned around and walked out, leaving her eldest son thinking to himself.

Well, in all this time, he had never been interested in anything like this. Even if Namtarn has a thing for Mangkorn, he won't stop taking care of Namtarn. As for a girldfiend, if the time comes, a person as beautiful as him, it won't be hard to find her... The man shook his head as he thought nonsense before going upstairs back to the room, to continue sleeping after not having slept for many nights due to having to study for exams.

Maybe Namkang didn't realize that this nonsense he had never thought of, might be closer to him than he thought...

"Today do you want us to stop to eat on the way or do you want to eat at the university."

"Namtarn will eat rice at Aunt Yupin's store" After receiving Namtarn's answer, he drove the car to go directly to the destination because it seemed that there was no other food store that was like Aunt Yupin's small store. .

Mangkorn's car drove straight down the road on its regular route, just like it does every day, the atmosphere in the car was devoid of the sound of the two of them, only the announcer's voice coming out of the radio was what sounded .

It was amazing that both of them could spend such a comfortable atmosphere like this. That last week, both parties were so embarrassed that they could hardly look at each other.

If they go back to the last week. The incident where Namtarn asked him to be his boyfriend has been stuck in the little boy's brain from that day until now. Although he wasn't as shy as he was at first, but if he thought about it at the time, Mangkorn's little boy was embarrassed until his face turned red.

Yes... the answer to Mangkorn's question that day remains a mystery until now. He understood that the little one who was like a white cloth would definitely never go through something like that, in addition to the attitude of the junior who didn't know how to answer his question, he felt pity, so he didn't want to take advantage of the other party to get an answer. . Because after all, both he and his junnior sensed each other's feelings, and that was enough.

Also, although the relationship between him and Namtarn has yet to be named, his constant actions always get him and Namtarn teased. Being named as boyfriends. Let's just say that in theory, he and Namtarn haven't agreed to be in a relationship yet. But in practice, what it is today is not at all different from what people want to think :)

"I intend to take the exam, focus on yours. Finished for the evening, let's eat Bingsu. I invite you to join me." After taking him to breakfast, Mangkorn took him to the exam room. From here, he couldn't follow him to support Namtarn, but he already knew her little boy was good, even if he couldn't cheer him up, he would manage anyway.

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