Chapter eleven

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-POV Ryan-

After Manager Ty told us we have some personal time. I look at Y/N and ask her 

"What are you going to do?" 

"Mmm I want to try a TikTok trend dance so bad," She told me 

"Oh, which trend?"  I ask her

She shows me the trend. It was the trend that Sebastian did... what it called again. Anyway, the song is Portuguese.

"Oh, you think you can do better?" I challenge her

She smirks at me "Wanna bet?" 

"Okay tell your deal," I told her 

"If my video has 2k likes, you need to buy me Starbucks for two weeks?" She told me 

"If your video doesn't get 2k likes, you need to buy boba for two weeks?" I told her 

We both agree. I help her to arrange her stuff and watch from afar. She starts the recording and starts dancing. Not going to lie... I lost the bet. She kills it, the way she moves her body to the rhythm of the music. I stay shaken. She finishes the video and looks at it. She was smiling and looking at me.

"Prepare your wallet for my Starbucks, cause I won the bet," She told me while smiling so bad

"I-...How do you know how to dance like that?!?!?" I ask her 

"Oh I loved to dance and I took some dance class too," She said while giggling

I shake my head. She smiles and posts the video. The moment she posts the video, her phone keeps buzzing.

"Woah already," She said 

We heard footsteps coming to us. We both look and see the rest of the boys with their phones in their hands. The screen was showing Y/N dance. 

"Wait a minute. Miss how the heck you nailed it like that? It was your first record?" Kane asks

"Yea it was, it's rare I redo my video tho," she said while chuckling

"Gurl if you want, we can dance some bachata together," Reggie said while winking at her 

"Anytime Reggie," she said while winking back

"How you beat on this trend. I nailed it tho" Sebastian said while pouting

"Aww Seb, I'm sorry we can do it together if you want to," she told him 

Sebastian nod happily.

"Woah Y/N you already have 1.5k likes!!" Justin said 

I widen my eyes and go verify to see if it's true. And it was true.


"Uh? It's been only a few weeks since you're with us and you're acting like me?" Darren said confuse

"I'm always crazy if you get to know me better," She said while giggling

"You could at least dance less sexy tho.." Oliver said low

I heard it and shake my head. Oliver is in love, because when I'm chilling with Y/N. He will be glaring at me for being close to her. 

"I need to calculate my money for the two weeks," I said while pouting 

"Not my business, you wanted to bet tho," She said while walking away 

"Damn she's savage tho I love her so much," Justin said while laughing

Oliver walk out where Y/N went. 


I went to the backyard for fresh air. I sit down on the chair near the pool. I lay down and close my eyes. While I was closing my eyes. I felt a present next to me. I thought it was Ryan so I told 

"What's wrong uh thinking how much money you going to spend in those two weeks?" I said while chuckling 

"What do you want me to buy for you for two weeks, I can buy it too" A familiar voice speak

I shoot my eyes wide and see Oliver sitting next to me. I sit properly.

"Sorry, I thought it was Ryan. And you don't need to buy me anything" I told him

Oliver pokes his tongue inside of cheeks. He looks back at me 

"What Ryan has better than me? You always feel natural around him. When I'm around you, you get shy." He told me that while looking with a look I can't describe 

...He's jealous??

"Wait a minute... Are you jealous?!?!?" I told him 

"Um-um-um I don't know what you're talking about" He stutters while looking away

I look at him and laugh so hard 

"Why are you laughing so hard like that?" He asks me while looking at me confused

"OMG I can't believe you're jealous of Ryan and me," I said while laughing more 

"Ya!!" He said while hitting me playfully 

I calm myself down and speak

"Ryan and I are just best friends. He's crushing on someone else. We just had a lot of stuff in common. That's why I'm more natural with him. I want be to natural with you too but you keep teasing me or annoying me" I pout 

Oliver smiles and rubs my hair. I remove his hand and glare at him.

"Because you're too cute when you get red. I love your cheeks when your pout" He said while pinching my cheeks

"Ya!!" I remove his hand and rub his hand.

He smiles. I arrange my hair. A moment of silence was heard but not awkward. Just a peaceful silence moment. I take this moment to look at Oliver, more at his side profile. He looks handsome. 

"You know that you could wear something else not too short while dancing." He told me while blushing a little 

"Why?" I told him confused

"Because half of the comment, it's boys that commenting how you're looking hot in your shorts," He said 

"Oh okay thank you I will be careful next time," I told him

He smiles and we talk about nothing.

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