Witches and Wizards, (Tom, Wil, Tubbo)

Start from the beginning

Tommy put the ball on the floor and stepped back. The dull wand rose till it was in line with the tip of Tommy"s nose.

"Ok just one spell. An easy one, levitation."

His eyelids fluttered closed. His eyebrows knitted together and he tightened his grip on Tubbo's wand.

The dull wand wormed, Tommy opened his eyes just as blue flickers of magic sparkled out. The wand grew cold again.

"No, no no no!" Tommy nearly begged. "It's got to work! I can do this! Comeon!"

He tried again. Wand pointed straight at the small ball on the ground. Again his hold tightened and his face scrunched up.

Again the wand wormed, this time he did not open his eyes. But, as the wand dulled once more he knew he failed again.

Tommy dropped Tubbo's wand. His eyes closed even still. Only when he had sunk to the floor and curled into a ball did he open them.

The walls always small seemed smaller. Condensed, trapped. They were moving, god why are they moving.

He curled up tired. Shielding away from the walls barricading him in. Fear struck him and he panicked.

He scrambles to his feet and grabs Tubbo's wand in a mad dash to get out. Before he knew it he was standing in the middle of Tubbo's room. Head swimming as he tried to get his barings.

Too small, the room is too small.

He ran out of Tubbo's room. Down the platform and out the front door.

Tips of weeds and tall grass poked him as he stammered through their maze. Bile clung to his throat as he tried to clear his head.

Finally, he makes it out of the maze. The sun shines onto his scalp as he breaths fresh air.

He could breath, the walls were no where near him, and he was safe.

He took one last breath, looking at the tall weeds protruding on all sides of the house. He swiftly dove into the weeds, into the house, up the platform, and into Tubbo's room. There he slipped the wand into the drawer where it belongs and left the house.

The front door to his house opened with a creak. The lights dimly lit the small room.

The tv turns on lighting up the room with a magical glow. The screen depicted two donkeys on the road. Bodies limp.

Tommy thought nothing of it. Donkeys got hurt all the time on 85. He quickly switched the channel to some documentary he half payed attention to.

Wilbur bursts through the basement door as the narrator was talking about flying buffalos. The blond took one glance at his older sibling, and immediately devolved in a fit of laughs.

Wilbur was covered head to toe in purple and blue dust. In his hands he held three boodles of different colours.

"Shut up, child." Wilbur ordered which caused Tommy to giggle even more.

Wilbur rolled his eyes and set the boodles on the counter before flopping on the couch next to Tommy.

"What's he saying this time?" Wilbur asks.

"Who the narrator? Just some things about flying hippos, nothing too interesting."

Wilbur nodes, eyes glued to the screen in front of them. Face flipped to a frown and he fiddled with his shirt's hem.

"What's wrong Wilbur?"

"Oh nothing, just been having some troubles with some potions. The usual." Wilbur shifts in his seat.

"Oh really? I thought that was just pixie dust you decided to wear today."

"Oh shut up." Wilbur said with a smile. "You're just mad you can't make potions."

"I'll gladly take eating a fistful of poop then be able to make potions." Tommy stated making Wilbur look up in mock offence. "No, I want to be a wizard! Wands and spell books."

Wilbur huffs, "witches are just as good as wizards."

"No they aren't!"

Wilbur rolls his eyes. Moving away to sit at the edge of the dining room table. He sighs as if the whole world was placed on his shoulders.

Suddenly his face, so relaxed and carefree before, darkened and stilled.

"Tommy I have something to say."

"Well what is it big man?" Tommy asked, flipping his head over his shoulder.

"How do I say this.."

"You are letting me go to that school for wizards?" Tommy said sitting up.

"No, gosh no Tommy just let me talk." Wilbur said, fiddling with his shirt's hem. "I oh.. I'm hmm hmmhm"

"What? You're mumbling there pall."

"I'm you're-"

"Hold on Tubbo's calling... hello?" Tommy shouts as a discoloured screen pops into view and with the beat of a hat, he was in his room laughing with his friend.

"I'm your..." Wilbur trails off. A sentence long overdue cut off by his son. Wilbur got off the couch. His eyes clouded in thought as he clambered to his office full of potions and elixirs.


This was an idea that has long been put off, sorry for that. It combines two requests, the one where Wilbur was secretly Tommy's dad and a new one where Tommy freaks out (or something). I didn't think those ideas had enough to go off of, so I thought, ok, but what about magic! And now you've got this.

Also bc I wanted to make a story where Wilbur was a witch, because of the typo I made and am keeping cause of the memes.

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